🐛 | General Data Protection Regulation | Fatal error when adding a field to any entity type (e.g., basic page node) with GDPR module enabled on Drupal 10.2.1
🇭🇺Hungary eFeS
Is there any progress with this?
🇭🇺Hungary eFeS
Yes, the field_encrypt-D10.2-compatability branch is really working under Drupal 10.2.5.
It would be good, if this could be merged, at least to the dev version of the module.
Thanks for your work!
🐛 | General Data Protection Regulation | Fatal error when adding a field to any entity type (e.g., basic page node) with GDPR module enabled on Drupal 10.2.1
🇭🇺Hungary eFeS
I've the same situation as EZKG. Neither patch #2, nor #5 solved the initial problem under Drupal 10.2.5, PHP8.1.27
🇭🇺Hungary eFeS
I'm experiencing the same issue.
Field Encrypt was almost the first module, which was installed on a brand new Drupal 10.2.3 site. Tried with Real AES and Sodium too, but the checkbox never shown in the editing form of the entity.