Any progress on this? We are not allowed access to modify a library for site-specific customizations.
First, thank you so much! I used your changes to .bashrc and then had to change the drush alias to:
alias drush="/usr/local/php81/bin/php-cli /home/user/www/"
(vendor directory was above public_html)
I have a staging site with its own vendor/drush directory, and had to take that into account:
alias drush="/usr/local/php81/bin/php-cli /home/user/www/"
I could have used 2 different aliases, one for each site, alternatively.
How can I increase the number of profiles to bulk delete from 50? I have 10,000+.
Thank you for the patch.
Thanks. Profiles seem to (still) not work with VBO; there is a patch that lets them be bulk deleted 50 at a time.
mygumbo β created an issue.
Thanks... I'm looking for something super simple - this works on the profile form itself:
case 'profile_registrant_edit_form':
case 'profile_registrant_add_form':
$form['field_date_of_birth']['widget'][0]['value']['#date_year_range'] = $max_age.':'.$min_age;
Does anyone have an example of modifying (any kind of) a profile field in the checkout pane? Thank you.
Would that be hook_field_widget_complete_form_alter? Unsure how to target that specific field that uses the select widget for datetime.
mygumbo β created an issue.
Thank you. The checkout progress block was enabled in the admin theme by mistake. Removing it fixed the issue.
After the upgrade to 3.33, the commerce_order_payments view exists, and the path is admin/commerce/orders/%commerce_order/payments
Thank you, but I don't have a view called "commerce_order_payments" - I exported config to check.
mygumbo β created an issue.
This module, β , adds an email address confirm field and a setting in admin/config/people/accounts to enable it on registration forms. Would it be possible to integrate it with the Commerce 2 checkout pane?