Documentation is now accessible.
I wanted to consult the documentation for this theme because I'm evaluating whether to use this one or → and I also encounter this issue. Can't you consult the documentation from anywhere?
francescbassas → created an issue.
Maybe related 🐛 Tokens Missing (No tokens available - admin/help/token) Active
Maybe related? 🐛 Tokens Missing (No tokens available - admin/help/token) Active 🐛 Tokens Missing (No tokens available - admin/help/token) Active
Used this workaround #6 and it worked.
Webform submodule "Webform Custom Options" incorporates similar functionality.
Working on Webform 7.x-4.24 and CiviCRM 5.54.0
@rubofvil I think the solution may be to rewrite current redirect to Redsys like something as Paypal does
This makes sense to you?
Thanks @rubofvil.
This helps us to understand that the reason of get redsys redirection working in local environment is due to having twig debug enabled on services.yml.
debug: true
I don't know if this makes sense to you.