πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @10thstreetlabel

Account created on 22 October 2009, almost 15 years ago

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πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

Yes the current user is admin(me) and I upload a file into their directory or folder.

We exchange files, they upload their accounting file(and email goes to me that they uploaded the file - I have this worked out) I work on it and then I upload it again( this email is the one that I'm having problems with).

So the the admin is uploading a file into another user's folder.

It is a provate folder so they only have access to their folder.

I have it so when I'm done with the file and I reupload it then they are notifiied that I did so.

The file structure is:

The URL looks like:

Initialize content entity
type: File:-any-

Send email
Recipient email address: ???

Subject: [file:owner]

Message: [file:owner] [file:path]

Note: The file path shows the user's name bu not sure how to get that and use their email address in the Recipient email address?

Thanks again for you help.

Do you have a venmo account I would like to buy you a couple of cups of coffee?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel


I thought I was done but not still need your help.

So I need an email sent to the admin when there is a new file uploaded which I was able to complete for now.

The admin is also going into a client folder and uploading a file in the client directory since they have access to their folder.
Directory setup is private://users/user

I'm using the log and tried to mess with the function "Execute models with user" but I don't how to use it.

I think I start out with "insert content entity" because that worked with my general upload email model.

But i'm having problems with getting the user name and associated email address.

Aslo I see various tokens being used but I can't figure out how to find them. I know the token module lists some of them but ECA referrences others. If I do find them I can use them on a basic way but I not sure how to modify them. ie [session_user:uid], how would I try to identify a specific user like user 2. More importantely can you direct me to some knowledge base so I can learn this on my own?

Thanks for you help.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

I got it to work and will try to learn more about the debugging more.

Thank you for your help.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

Can you help me with the upload side?

I'm trying to include the file name in the email but can only get a upload file.

I uploaded the export.


πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

Thanks very much for the quick fix

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

10thstreetlabel β†’ created an issue.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

OK I don't get it.

I started to work with bpmn_io modeler and now it works. Entered in the same stuff I think and it is working..

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

I'm an accountant but I've been using drupal for 13 years and it is a hobby but I would like to turn it into something more. My accounting site was build on D7 with some modules that did not migrate to D9 and D10. I managed to get most of D10 working but I can't get this last part finished.

You are the only one that is consistent in the help which I appreciate since I reached out to several people over the last two years.

Thanks for config explanation and I will put that into my to do.

I did DL the lastest and thanks for mod update.

I'm attaching the export.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

I'm sorry but export the config from your site is that a file inside the eca or somewhere else?

I tried to find the eca.model.*.yml that belongs to my model but I don't know where to find those either.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

I don't have that option on the operations dropdown, I have edit, disable, clone & delete.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

Here is the model:

uuid: dcc6182c-401c-4a81-a122-dfd60e8b4a06
langcode: en
status: true
- eca_endpoint
- eca_misc
id: download_file_notification
modeller: core
label: 'Download file notification'
version: ''
weight: -10
plugin: 'kernel:finish_request'
label: 'Response for request created'
configuration: { }
id: action_send_email_action
condition: eca_route_match
plugin: eca_route_match
request: '2'
route: system.files
operator: equal
type: value
case: false
negate: false
gateways: { }
plugin: eca_endpoint_get_request_uri
label: 'Request: Get uri'
token_name: filedownloadpath
successors: { }
plugin: action_send_email_action
label: 'Send email'
recipient: '[site:mail]'
subject: '[current-user:name] downloaded a file [filedownloadpath]'
message: '[current-user:name] downloaded [filedownloadpath]'
replace_tokens: false
successors: { }

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States 10thstreetlabel

Yes the the email is being initiated but when I put the token into the body it is not showing in the email.

So I have 2 actions

1. Reguest:Get uri - token name [filedownloadpath]

2. send email - I put the token into the message & the body and neither are showing up

It seams like the token is not being registered or saved, I did notice that there is a function of setting a token do I use that somehow?

I will try to debug and read more of your manuals this weekend.

Again thanks for your help.

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