+++ b/core/assets/vendor/select2/css/select2.css
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+ .select2-container .select2-selection--single .select2-selection__rendered {
Guessing this was copied from select 2 css and altered and that's where the indented rules come from. We should follow drupal CSS coding style here with no indents.
At first glance I thought it was Sass. :)
Looks awesome! Despite failing tests it seems to work fine when I spin it up on simplytest.me.
One thing I noticed, the descriptive text would need to change (or just go away) in several places eg.
Enter a comma-separated list. For example: Amsterdam, Mexico City, "Cleveland, Ohio"
But that's a good problem to have.
@wim leers
Apparently there's a competitor to select2 that pays homage to select2, but tries to be better/simpler: https://github.com/arendjr/selectivity
It does look simpler. Also bad on A11y but Select2 has not made much progress either, same for selectize. Just tested all three with screen reader.
Some initial testing by Tyler Littlefield here in OCTO shows that in fact there is still a good bit of work to do. I plan on creating some new issues in the Select 2 queue on github.
Last info I looked at was this issue https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/2499 that both you and I commented on which is now closed fixed. Since that time new a11y issues have been opened in 4.0, but (based on my own unscientific testing) 2499 puts Select2 well ahead of jquery autocomplete.
Here are the open a11y issues in select2 4.0
https://github.com/select2/select2/pull/2875 this one was opened after 2499 and was merged in on 12/09/2014
https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/3238 closed fixed
https://github.com/select2/select2/issues/3144 this one is still open as an enhancement but no longer marked a bug
I could not find other issues. We have an individual working with us here in Boston who may be able to test 4.0.
Given other priorities, perhaps. Although given the fact that it is unquestionably an a11y improvement, maybe not.
Given the upstream changes to Select2 for a11y are we unblocked on rolling a patch?
With any dynamic tool like Select2 WAI-ARIA is going to need to be added to add the required semantics.
Yes, but having said that, from my research the library already has more aria roles natively than any other and if we make that more robust it would be more responsible for us to add them upstream submitting pull requests to Select2 on github. That way others can benefit as well.
The "please enter one character" issue also looks like aria labeledby is missing
The summary says to use it for taxonomy, why don't we use it for multiple selects as well?
Amen to that
@mgifford @nod:
If "choose language" is not being read it's because the "aria labeledby" attribute is missing I think.
Thanks oushen, any chance you can help out this patch? I'd rather have that in core in 8.1.0 if we can instead of contrib. That way we'd make sure the integration is accessible and that many more other contrib modules can use it (like rules maybe).
+1 to that!