🇨🇦Canada @slewazimuth

Account created on 29 September 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

The version of php you use is chosen by you and can be set on the fly.  I am currently running php 8.3 but if I want to  run php 5.2 its just a mouse click away. The feature has been around for decades and is part of cpanel.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

What version of Drupal 11 are you running?

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I found exactly what I needed thanks.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

The first 4 lines of settings.php file should be setup for error checking.

ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Whether you're' working in Drupal 7 or 11 if you include  these 4 lines of code at the begining of your settings.php file it will tell what the error is immediately.

ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I tested the font part of the Plugin Pack and it didn't work.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

composer require 'drupal/imce:^3.1'

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Both Font Color and Font Background Color work perfectly. The issue shows up when Font Size or Font Family are attempted.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 is a migration not an upgrade.

For reference: Drupal 7 is Procedural architecture while Drupal 9 is OOP architecture. Drupal changed back when Drupal 8 came out in 2015.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

There are specific php extensions which are used with 8.2/8.3 and the libmysqlclient driver should be at least 5.53. 

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

The architecture changed when Drupal went to version 8 back in 2015. Drupal went from Procedural to OOP. Twig is used for templating rather than php.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Its there and works perfectly.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Drush version 12.4.3 was released 7 months ago. That is the version I use for all my 10.2.2 Drupal sites.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Drupal is authored using PHP which is an interpreted language. visionOS is authored with SwiftUI and Swift which is a compiled language optimized for iOS and MacOS. Vision Pro is being officially released on Feb 02, 2024. I've been doing everything for visionOS in visionOS with the Simulator. Paul Hudson is giving a one day course for Developers on visionOS and Reality Composer Pro January 27. If you have an iPhone 15 pro or pro max you can use it to create Spatial videos and photos which you can use in visionOS for visionPro.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

The folks at Apple got me connected with Drupal through the Vision PRO Simulator. I'm going to test with Drupal and integrating the AI based DWIT modules.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

The apple community and in particular the Swift and SwithUI folks were wonderful introducing me to visionOS and a big shout out to PauI Hudson. I'll figure out if anything is relevant to Drupal.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

It is warning you that the version of drush you had for drupal core 9.5.11 was less than version 8.1.10 which is a conflict for the operation you are trying to execute. Last time I looked Drush was at version 12.4.3.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I see in your post it says you're using Drupal 10.5.1. I'm only working with Drupal 10.2.0-rc1 Can you provide a link?

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

So today I figured I'd create a fresh subdomain and try everything again. This time everything worked perfectly. Drupal 10.2.0-alpha1 installed no problem!

Cue: Twilight Zone Music

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

The name Extended CKEditor5 is just a name. I could have named it "Fred and Barney". There are a number of settings which are selected for the format just as the default text formats have specific settings. When you go to the configuration menu and choose "Text formats and editors" you name your text format at that time. Besides settings which already exist there are a number of modules you can add such as "imce" for which composer installs to your Drupal version.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

What you name the text format is irrelevant. All that matters is how it functions. ie. Extended CKEditor5 

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

You can name the text format anything you want

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Click link to find what was actually going on. The free trial just delays a reach for your wallet moment. Nice to know the conflict is actually intentional.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

composer require 'drupal/ckeditor_font:^2.0@beta'

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I tried it on and old Drupal 9.4.11 under php 8.1.18 and it installed perfectly. I ran composer require 'drupal/fontawesome'

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Use whatever works for you. Drupal used Procedural architecture until version 8 came out in 2015 when it switched to OOP because it was decided to build it on top of Symfony which is OOP based and nobody needed to reinvent the wheel.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

If your hosting provider uses cPanel just use the Cpanel control for selecting the php version and choose the one you need.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Just use this book and your off to the races --> https://idsi.md/files/file/Pro-Drupal-Development.pdf

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Drupal 7   - Procedural Architecture
Drupal 10 - OOP Architecture

Everything switched as of Drupal 8.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

That would make sense since Symfony and Drupal are built on php.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Was the pricing in the text created while you were using Drupal Commerce?

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

What I did was create a Drupal 9.5.9 site under php 8.1.18 site and use composer to install php_api on purpose. Notice in the composer message you got it says

Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires drupal/pdf_api, it could not be found in any version, there may be a typo in the package name.


Composer uses repositories which contain the code it needs for various tasks. There is one specific to Drupal and the message "pdf_api" couldn't be found for you in any version.


Composer require drupal/pdf_api

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

pdf_api:2.31 installed with no issues on Drupal 9.5.9 using php 8.1.18 with composer.

click here

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Drupal 7 used procedural architecture and will be formally discontinued later this year. Drupal changed its architecture to OOP when Drupal 8 came out back in 2015. Its 2023 and Drupal 10 came out back in December of last year. Drupal 8, 9 and 10 all are OOP based. Expecting Drupal 10 to behave like Drupal 7 makes no sense. However, I believe there is software called Backdrop which is still procedural architecture.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Extended CKEditor5 is the name of a text format. Just like one of the names is Full HTML and another is Basic HTML. They could have been called Fred and Barney. What matters is how they are configured. There are four items to configure for fonts. Families, Size, Color and Background Color.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

VM is correct you need to activate buttons on any text format you use. I used Extended CKEditor5 text format since the default names are just names. For now I used composer to install ckeditor_font version 2.0.0-beta3. I used it to add about a dozen fonts as well as setup foreground and background font colours as well as activate justification buttons as well as anything else I wanted.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Your inability to insert an image might be a better place to start. There are three ways to insert and image in Drupal 10. Actually more but I have it setup for three methods. Two are built in and the third one uses contrib module. Click here to look at a quick screen grab image.
The contrib module is IMCE and can be added to your Drupal 10 installation using Composer. Inside the red ellipse are the icons displayed when you are creating a basic page and have the text editor set up properly so more than the default text formats are used.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I currently have a number of Drupal 10.0.7 sites running. Only two of them are running Drupal Commerce. However, they are only development sites at this time. They will be fully qualified productions sites at a date in the future one they meet a specific set of requirements. Drupal 10 has only been out since December of last year.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Drupal versions 6 and 7 used a procedural architecture. When Drupal 8 was introduced in 2015 the architecture became OOP because in order not to reinvent the wheel key components of Symfony were placed under the hood and since Symfony was OOP based, Drupal likewise became OOP based. A number of things were introduced at the time into the core such as CKEditor 4 for which a new version CKEditor 5 has as the default text editor in time for Drupal 10. Everything is documented. 

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

That's the message people get when they never bothered to turn on proper error reporting in their settings.php. make sure after <?php file has:

ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I looked at the PDF2text module but got side tracked.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

To learn how to build plugins for CKEditor 5 just click here! 

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I called up one of my Development sites running Drupal 9.5.3 and its administration theme is set to Claro. The main theme is a subtheme of Olivero. I don't use Basic HTML or Full HTML. I use Extended CKEditor5. However, that's just me. I never received any errors but if I was to suddenly do something incorrect that could change. Both Bartik and Seven show in my theme appearance category correctly as deprecated.

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Do you have the recommended error reporting added to your settings file? https://twenty.deniseyoga.ca/images/errorcodeforphp.jpg

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

Here is a screen recording of what I get published as a youtube video https://youtu.be/f6K1KqB4TkI

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

When I go to Content/Media/Add Media/Video I see https://twenty.deniseyoga.ca/images/savevideomenus.jpg
and when I choose video I see https://twenty.deniseyoga.ca/images/addvideomp4.jpg
When I choose the file https://twenty.deniseyoga.ca/images/chosenmp4.jpg

Are you seeing something else?

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

I'd had a few minutes to try the suggested change and Quiz is now installed and running on Drupal 10.0.2. I will focus evaluation there. 

🇨🇦Canada slewazimuth

For what its worth I've installed Quiz on Drupal 9.5.2 for evaluation at the moment. It came from a ZIP file rather than composer. The csv_serialization is not yet ready for Drupal 10.0.2 which is blocking the ability to install quiz. Once that occurs Quiz can be installed.

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