Toronto 🇨🇦
Account created on 2 May 2006, over 18 years ago

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🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

You should probably be tracking Increase or remove default textfield #maxlength=128 Active , which is the core issue about this.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Thanks for the offer, but it looks like you're new. I'd like to see more experience on projects in the issue queues before granting maintainer access. This will give you time to learn about how projects work and see how others maintain projects. Getting commit credits will also give you more experience towards this goal.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

colan made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Moving back to project for findability

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

@avpaderno: Did you get a response?

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Well, the documentation says:

Enable the Simplenews block on the Administer blocks page: Administer > Structure > Block layout

...but there's nothing to enable on that page. So this is a documentation issue as it was never updated from D7.

I just updated it now. What do you think?


With the Simplenews block users can subscribe to a newsletter. For each newsletter one block is available. Enable the Simplenews block on the Administer blocks page: Administer > Structure > Block layout (currently missing, see #3453575: Subscribe block not installed; missing from /admin/structure/block) or Administer > Structure > Blocks (for Drupal 7), and visit the block configuration page to configure the block settings. Permission "subscribe to newsletters" is required to access the subscription form in the simplenews block or to view the link to the subscription form.


With the Simplenews block users can subscribe to a newsletter. For each newsletter one block is available. To enable it:

  1. Navigate to Administration > Structure > Block layout.
  2. Choose the theme you're interested in from the subtabs.
  3. Find the region where you'd like to place the blocks, and hit the Place block button.
  4. Configure the block in the modal window, and then hit Save block.
  5. At Administration > People > Permissions, permission "Subscribe to newsletters" is required to access the subscription form in the block or to view the link to the subscription form.
  6. If it needs to be accessible by anonymous users, clear the caches.

For Drupal 7, go to Administer > Structure > Blocks, and then visit the block configuration page to configure the block settings. Everything else is the same.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added block placement info for D8+. ( 🐛 Subscribe block not installed; missing from /admin/structure/block Active )

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Noted broken functionality & linked to issue.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

This is a major bug as it's not possible for anonymous users to subscribe to newsletters without the block being available. I couldn't find anything obviously wrong with SimplenewsSubscriptionBlock.php, but the block should be there, and it isn't.

Marked the following as duplicates of this issue:

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Updated newsletter subscription page for D8+.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Thanks for responding! Some follow-up questions:

  • Ah, didn't know there was a 3.x release because it wasn't showing up on the project page. What's was the reason for branching 4.x? What are the advantages? What problems are there with 3.x? It looks like the 4.x dependency isn't really being used at all.
  • Would you be open to adding me as a maintainer? I'd be able to work much faster and cut releases when necessary. (I already maintain about 40 modules so I know what I'm doing.)
🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

colan created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Would Stripe Registration be sufficient for what you all are trying to do here?

Maybe we can deprecate this module in favour of that one for D8+?

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

What I meant was that I made you a full maintainer so you could do it yourself, but I just changed it now. Hopefully you're all good now.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

@markaspot: Gave you the missing access.

@Anybody: Added you.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

My thoughts: Let's make it a beta release until core support is resolved.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

@pozzo-balbi: Granted! Thanks. Looks like the last person didn't actually do anything yet.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Anyway, this seems to make sense, just running the computation a step earlier. However, I can't remember my original use case so I'm not sure how it'll be affected.

Maybe the best course of action here is having tests ( 📌 Add tests Active ):

  1. Add a test for the original use case (whatever that was).
  2. Add a test for this use case.
  3. See what happens?

Obviously, if you can't swing all of this right now, just use the patch here that helps you, and other will come by here later to help move things along.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

See 📌 Add tests Active

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

MR was missing stuff so used patch. Thanks all!

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Here's a link to this issue's previous comment with helpful d.o markup (so we know the comment #): #2881776-35: Implement field permissions per-bundle (field instance)

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

It sounds like Config Enforce could fit in here somewhere, at least as an example what's solving problems in the wild.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

You're not misreading; that's correct. I'd updated the title to reflect this. (I had no idea until you mentioned it.)

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

It could be. I have no idea as I'm out of the loop. Maybe reach out to them? I'll leave it to you to sort that out. :)

Anyway, congrats; you're on the maintainer list! Good luck and thanks.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

I could make you a co-maintainer so you could do all of that and more (e.g. cut releases). What do you think?

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦


🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Going to make this version stable to prevent folks from getting v2. For v4 status, see 📌 Version 4 roadmap Active .

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

For now, I'm going to make v3 stable to at least prevent folks from getting v2.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

@joachim: What's remaining before we can tag a beta? What's remaining before we can tag a stable release?

Please add these lists to the IS. Thanks! :)

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

@chadmandoo: Please push to the MR as well so that it stays up-to-date. Thanks!

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

A suggestion in the forum seems like a reasonable approach.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦


🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

colan created an issue.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

As nobody's paying me to work on this module right now, I'm not actively maintaining it. However, I fully support having other co-maintainers coming on board. However, I don't have the "Administer maintainers" permission. So folks would need to contact the other maintainers who do. I'd recommend contacting the maintainer who added me; see #3074452: Colan request to be maintainer for details.

Please also ask them to grant me that permission so I can grant it to others later, if need be. Thanks!

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Assuming there are no other problems, MR !5 is good to go. Please review.

Maintainers: If you'd like help with getting this out (merging & cutting a new release), please add me as a co-maintainer; I'll get it done.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

I merged MR !2 into !5, and fixed the core_version_requirement conflict, setting it to D9 and D10 as per #18. Setting it for D10 only is a bad idea because it requires folks to upgrade Drupal core and this contrib module at the same time, which I don't recommend.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

colan made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

GitLab CI is now running for D8+. I've disabled Drupal CI for D7.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Got Gitlab CI running as part of Drupal 10 compatibility fixes Needs review . Let's remember to turn off Drupal CI when that gets in.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

colan made their first commit to this issue’s fork.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Just assume you don't need it for now so you can remove it. And yes, see 📌 Document which parts of the module are still relevant after aggregation changes in 10.1.0 Needs review for longer-term tracking.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

This patch is almost identical to #2853002: Collision with ctools_views , which is already in this branch, so it doesn't apply.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Sorry, #24 was a bad patch.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

New MR & patch for 2.0.x branch.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Switching to new branch.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Here's a more recent patch for Composer, which comes from the MR.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Fixed metadata.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

I just created the new Comparison of booking/availability/reservation modules in the Drupal documentation. Maybe add a link to that as well?

I didn't list this module as it sounds like you've deprecated it, but feel free to add it if you think there are still use cases for it.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Please add a "Similar Modules" section to the project page, with a link to the new Comparison of booking/availability/reservation modules in the Drupal documentation. Thanks!

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Updated status.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added formatting.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added Notes section.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added section for historic documentation.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added Bookable Calendar.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added links to D10 issues.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Added Planyo.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Filled in details for BAT & BEE.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

Moved link to old doc to bottom.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

This is certainly helpful; thanks.

Major differences I'm seeing:

  1. No payment integration here, and
  2. it's not possible to reserve variable-length time slots here.
🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

I don't believe this is supported now so it would be a new feature.

🇨🇦Canada colan Toronto 🇨🇦

@hodba: Please open a separate documentation ticket in this queue to add your module to the list of similar modules. Thanks!

Production build 0.71.5 2024