Account created on 13 July 2009, over 15 years ago

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🇫🇷France anne-pierre

Indeed, Noah uninstalled, the same error still appears.

🇫🇷France anne-pierre

Hi Julian,
Thanks for the reply. With Noah uninstalled, I still get the same error.
With $config['system.logging']['error_level'] = 'verbose'; in settings.php, no error appear on my pages.
So maybe Noah is not the problem.
I will install Noah again and let you know what I see.y new year
Happy New Year.

🇫🇷France anne-pierre

Wow! has come a long way in 6 months. From the Maverick style "the offer the best of the best digital experience..." to "Create ambitious digital experiences..." where, Drupal is stepping away from looking at how great it is, and instead is focusing on a persona/target user, and their need.

I am very impressed, as if my impression matters.

I like very much the fact that Drupal:
-uses an action verb in its slogan "create"; The choice of the action verb "create" is, I believe a good choice, because it clearly addresses a specific target : the web professional, and not only. Here, Drupal has managed to remain consistent with its historical positioning, and yet, address (and appeal to - I believe, the new generation of web developers);
-identified a persona to talk to (the young woman): someone from the younger/next generation.

Doing this, Drupal is clearly kicking WordPress + Joomla out of the market segment of the web professionals. That is quite a trick to pull off and so far, though the message, is not perfect, the homepage is doing the job.

Well done!

Points of improvement:
-The picture of the young woman is that of a person who looks more like she is studying for an accountant degree than an IT degree. This is my 20 cents, I am French, I am +50, and it is my opinion. I am a conservative, and maybe my understanding is culturally biased, still! I recommend, Drupal uses instead a picture of someone photographed during a DrupalCamp, etc. A picture of a real Drupal user. That picture of the young woman looks too much like it was purchased over the internet; It could be on the front page of the NYT or the WSJ. I believe an AI generated portrait would be better than that picture. Come on guys, be bold, apply your digital creativity. Use AI to create your ideal persona-avatar!

-The choice of colors as backgrounds. Keep the blue tones and hues. Those are typically associated with an IT environment (take a look here:, for a, IT environment built by 20 yo for 20 yo under the supervision of 50+). As is, the look and feel of the homepage is that of an engineer for engineers trying to be cool. I do not think the stripes do the job. Unleash the designers!

Overall, I feel Drupal is with this homepage on the road to carving a fair and well deserved share of the market among web professionals segment. WordPress should start to feel the heat.

Congratulations, and thank you to the community for providing such a wonderful software.

🇫🇷France anne-pierre

Same as #11. I have required the dev branch and a quick test was successful.
Thanks Nigel Cunningham.

🇫🇷France anne-pierre

#3 worked for me. Easy enough. Just had to install Layout Builder and then go to admin/commerce/config/product-types/my-product/edit/display. And from there "manage layout".
Thanks #orizonmedia.

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