🇮🇳India @rensingh99

Account created on 21 May 2009, almost 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India rensingh99


I have tried to reproduce this bug with 8.9x to test the patch. But I have not gotten this issue.

Below are my steps.

1 I have added the entity reference field of the "article" type in the "basic page" type.

2 I have post three nodes in the "basic page" content type and I have entered related articles in only one node.

3 I have made the view of basic content type and I have added the relationship of referenced field(field_related_article) to show the title of the related article.

Below is an output screenshot of view as an admin user.

Below is an output screenshot of view as an anonymous user.

The view result is the same for both admin and anonymous.

Am I doing anything wrong? Or is it resolved in the latest version?


🇮🇳India rensingh99


I have reviewed the patch #7 and It worked as designed. Below is my update.

1). I have given permission to "Visitors" users to create an account with an email verification option.

2 I have created a user account using the drupal register form and it was an active user.

3 I have created a user account using Rest API then it was a blocked user.

Rest API:


4 I have created users using Rest API after applying the patch then the user was active.

Rest API:


The patch is working great.


Production build 0.71.5 2024