cleverhoods β changed the visibility of the branch 3.1.x to active.
cleverhoods β changed the visibility of the branch 3.1.x to active.
Providing patch for 10.3.x
cleverhoods β created an issue.
Rerolling previous patch for 3.1.x
cleverhoods β created an issue.
cleverhoods β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
Added patch file for people who are using drush.make or composer for project dependency handling.
There's a hotfix patch that would circumvent the error: π Circular reference detected for service "hook_event_dispatcher.module_handler" Active
The Tracer update didn't sort the issue out after all.
Hotfix patch is provided.
I think it's attached to this issue:
Typed property Drupal\tracer\EventDispatcher\TraceableEventDispatcher::$tracer must not be accessed before initialization
After installing the update for Tracer(1.0.1), the issue got sorted.
I think it's attached to this issue:
Typed property Drupal\tracer\EventDispatcher\TraceableEventDispatcher::$tracer must not be accessed before initialization
After installing the update for Tracer(1.0.1), the issue got sorted.
As mentioned by @johnwebdev π Unable to add content to a content type named 'type' Active above, the issue was a name collision.
Added a check to make sure the code operates with the expected instance.
/** @var \Drupal\node\NodeTypeInterface $type */
$type = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity();
if (!$type instanceof NodeTypeInterface) {