🇬🇧United Kingdom mrpauldriver
🇬🇧United Kingdom mrpauldriver
mrpauldriver → created an issue.
🇬🇧United Kingdom mrpauldriver
I resolved this by saving the unchecked state and then resaving.
🇬🇧United Kingdom mrpauldriver
🇬🇧United Kingdom mrpauldriver
mrpauldriver → created an issue.
🇬🇧United Kingdom mrpauldriver
@semjue and @dww, yes this does need to be in core.
From screenshots in this issue it appears that efforts are being directed at a text based remove button.
The text button approach was originally used by Multiple Fields Remove Button → module, but this has more recently been replaced with a simple delete icon. This works a lot better.
The same approach is also consistent with core ui as used in the media library module.
Please see screenshots