🇳🇱Netherlands @rlelie

Account created on 24 January 2009, about 16 years ago

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🇳🇱Netherlands rlelie

@ronaldtebrake: how can I check whether that ran? It isn't in the output. Thanks!

🇳🇱Netherlands rlelie


Just tried to update from 11.9.16 to 12.0.1.
First removed the vendor directory, then ran composer update three times. Two times updates were pulled in. Third time, no updates anymore.
Then opened update.php and the error is still shown:

Fouten gevonden
Ontbrekende updates voor: User
De geïnstalleerde versie van de module User is te oud om bij te werken. Werk deze eerst bij naar een versie voor 10.0.0 (ontbrekende updates: user_post_update_update_roles).

The web page doesn't allow to continue, so the upgrade is stuck.

Is there a way I can check whether the patch made it in?
In the output there was no - Applying patches for drupal/open_social or the number 3400861, not sure whether it was supposed to pop up though.

Any idea how/where to dig further?


🇳🇱Netherlands rlelie

Tried the upgrade using 12.0.0, same issue.

Using composer version 2.6.5 and php 8.1.26.

First try

1. composer update --no-dev
Some logging:
Warning: The lock file is not up to date with the latest changes in composer.json. You may be getting outdated dependencies. It is recommended that you run `composer update` or `composer update
10/86 [===>------------------------] 11% Skipped installation of bin Resources/bin/patch-type-declarations for package symfony/error-handler: name conflicts with an existing file
18/86 [=====>----------------------] 20% Skipped installation of bin Resources/bin/yaml-lint for package symfony/yaml: name conflicts with an existing file

2. updatedb.php
--> User module too old error

Second try

1. composer update

Some logging:
10/86 [===>------------------------] 11% Skipped installation of bin Resources/bin/patch-type-declarations for package symfony/error-handler: name conflicts with an existing file
18/86 [=====>----------------------] 20% Skipped installation of bin Resources/bin/yaml-lint for package symfony/yaml: name conflicts with an existing file

2. composer update
some more actions executed

3. updatedb.php
--> User module too old error

Third try

1. composer update using 11 version files
Some updates came in although website was already on 11.9.16?

2. composer update using 11 version files
No actions

3. updatedb.php
No actions.

4. composer update using 12 version files
Some logging:
10/86 [===>------------------------] 11% Skipped installation of bin Resources/bin/patch-type-declarations for package symfony/error-handler: name conflicts with an existing file
18/86 [=====>----------------------] 20% Skipped installation of bin Resources/bin/yaml-lint for package symfony/yaml: name conflicts with an existing file

5. composer update using 12 version files
Some more actions

6. composer update using 12 version files
No actions

7. updatedb.php
--> User module too old error

Fourth try

1. rm -R vendor
2. composer update using 11 version files
Some updates came in although website was already on 11.9.16?

3. composer update using 11 version files
No actions

4. updatedb.php
No actions

5. rm -R vendor

6. composer update using 12 version files
No skips / errors / warnings

7. composer update using 12 version files
Some more actions

8. composer update using 12 version files
No actions

9. updatedb.php
--> User module too old error

I can try installing drush on the 11 version to look for any errors, don't know yet how drush works though :-)

🇳🇱Netherlands rlelie

Upgrading from 11.9.16 (Drupal 9.5.11) to 12.0.0-rc6 gave this error (in Dutch):

"De geïnstalleerde versie van de module User is te oud om bij te werken. Werk deze eerst bij naar een versie voor 10.0.0 (ontbrekende updates: user_post_update_update_roles)."

Running updates via update.php, no way to continue past this - there is no button on the web page to continue.

Trying to access home page gives: "Er is onverwacht een fout opgetreden. Probeer het later nog eens." (Unexpected error, please try again.)

How can I find more info on what update in the past is missing and should be run first?
Not sure, but I don't think there is a way to uninstall the User module as it is part of the core?

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