Account created on 3 October 2024, 3 months ago

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@ressa Hi, I am trying to repost my question again. So, I have installed all the necessary modules to run Leaflet Layers, and it seems that everything works well. I have made new Map bundles, and new a Content Type, however, the problem is that it seems for each new map, I need to make a new content type, and in the Display options connect it to the relevant Map bundle, which doesn't seem to be right.
Unfortunately, the example, here, and other instructions, I find they stop just before mentioning how could we in practice make a new note/view that shows a map bundle.

Yes, for some reasons, it doesn't let me to send the message

Hi @ressa, I am following on from a comment . I have installed all the necessary modules, and followed the instructions.
I would like to show some WMS layers from my own geoserver on a Drupal 10 website. The current instructions end just before telling how we can show a map bundle in a node/view. From I see, I can make a new Content Type, where I can add a geofield, and choose Leaflet Maps to display my map bundle. But that would mean adding a new content type for every new map, and it doesn't sound to be a good idea. Could you update the instructions or READ ME file to explain how people can use their map bundles in the nodes (or views)?

@ressa I have installed all the necessary modules, and followed the instructions. But when I try to make a new content type with a geofield, I am not able to choose the map bundles for each new content (node). Unfortunately, the instructions end just before actually use the map bundle to creating a new content (or view). Could you elaborate on that a bit more?

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