🇫🇷France @mayeulk

Account created on 28 September 2024, 4 months ago

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🇫🇷France mayeulk

Install TCPDF

🇫🇷France mayeulk

I second the suggestion to include a comparison of these. In particular, is one of them working better with Drupal webforms?

🇫🇷France mayeulk

Hi. Apparently I'm facing this bug with:
$ drush st
Drupal version : 10.3.7
DB driver : pgsql
PHP OS : Linux (Docker container)
PHP version : 8.3.11
Drush version :

I had to uninstall markdown module (which was not working anyway), through the admin GUI then with :
composer remove drupal/markdown
composer remove league/commonmark:^1
drush cache:rebuild

Is there a way that I can get both drush and markdown working?

🇫🇷France mayeulk

Hi. I needed a short code to get all submissions, as a text-based backup (to be able to verify that submissions are correctly saved). I do this, with PostgreSQL:

pg_dump --dbname=postgresql://postgres@ > /home/myself/backup/drupal_pg_backup.sql

cat drupal_pg_backup.sql | grep ^my_second_webform_survey > results.csv

where 'my_second_webform_survey' is the URL name of the survey I need.

If you do not need the full sql backup, this works too:
pg_dump --dbname=postgresql://postgres@ | grep ^my_second_webform_survey > results.csv

This gives the content of the public.webform_submission_data table (note there are other webform tables)
The headers are:
Similarly, you could get some of the other tables; for instance, the public.webform_submission table has these fields:

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