It seems that the a single update of code of content planer version 8.x-1.2 could work with new version 2.2.0.
I bypass the issue after having applied a change on src/EventSubscriber/SchedulerPublishSubScriber.php
The change consists in adding the two class_alias lines marked by a + (not part of the code, but only to show that line is added)
namespace Drupal\content_calendar\EventSubscriber;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
+ class_alias('Drupal\scheduler\Event\SchedulerEvent', 'Drupal\scheduler\SchedulerEvent');
+ class_alias('Drupal\scheduler\Event\SchedulerNodeEvents', 'Drupal\scheduler\SchedulerEvents');
use Drupal\scheduler\SchedulerEvent;
use Drupal\scheduler\SchedulerEvents;
dpalicepeio@drupbuilder.org β created an issue.
dpalicepeio@drupbuilder.org β created an issue.
dpalicepeio@drupbuilder.org β created an issue.
dpalicepeio@drupbuilder.org β created an issue.
After a reinstallation of last dev version it works.
dpalicepeio@drupbuilder.org β created an issue.
I soluced this issue desinstalling module email_registration module
Allows users to register with an email address as their username.
Nom système : email_registration
Version : 2.0.0-rc5
yes i confirm
Hello, I've used :
composer require drupal/core-recommended:10.3.1 drupal/core-composer-scaffold:10.3.1 drupal/core-project-message:10.3.1 --update-with-all-dependencies
Hello, I've migrated from 10.2.7 to 10.3.1
Impossible to connect thru the login page.
I've use the initialize password page and i was able to connect after having updateed the password.
But after, when i disconnect from the site i'm not able to reconnected using the last paswsord i've update
The query
SELECT uid, name, mail FROM users_field_data WHERE pass IS NOT NULL AND pass NOT LIKE '$2y$% return 0 records
I've uninstalle the passord policy module.
I've try to clear cache.
Nothing works.
This is both on my local dev site and on my production site