cp19112000 → created an issue.
I encountered the same error in version 8.x-1.21, Drupal 9.5.11, and resolved it by changing "FALSE" to "false"
slot.find('.form-checkbox').prop('checked', FALSE);
slot.find('.form-checkbox').prop('checked', false);
Now everything works well.
I suggest using a different flag to handle custom logic instead of using copy_to_address_book (s.t like owner_presave_event_dispatched)
You can set owner_presave_event_dispatched to TRUE before adding a profile and then patch into the code "Make sure the billing profile is owned by the order, not the customer"
In my case, I customized some events in ProfileOwnerEvents to ensure the duplicated profile keeps owner_presave_event_dispatched TRUE and the owner is the customer. I don't want to use copy_to_address_book because the duplicated profile set copy_to_address_book to FALSE and set address_book_profile_id to the old profile, which made relationships between two profiles
if ($billing_profile->getData('owner_presave_event_dispatched')) {
$event = new ProfileOwnerEvent($billing_profile);
$event_dispatcher = \Drupal::service('event_dispatcher');
$event_dispatcher->dispatch($event, ProfileOwnerEvents::PROFILE_OWNER_PRESAVE);
$billing_profile = $event->getProfile();
$this->setData('owner_presave_event_dispatched', FALSE);
cp19112000 → created an issue.
View mode of author will follow to view mode of parent entity (if has and teaser_normalize if does not have any view mode display has machine name same with parent entity) and also view mode of author of children entities will follow to view mode of parent.
cp19112000 → created an issue.
cp19112000 → created an issue. See original summary → .