Account created on 16 June 2024, 13 days ago

Recent comments

The hotfix lets users login to the website with the email, however the rest api endpoint fails with the error:

Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\BadRequestHttpException: Sorry, unrecognized username or password. στην Drupal\user\Controller\UserAuthenticationController->login() (Line 239 Ξ±Ο€ΟŒ /srv/websites/mysite/web/core/modules/user/src/Controller/UserAuthenticationController.php).

Could you please help?

Tri Tran thank you for your code!

I am now receiving the following error: "Failure code: 403; Failure status: PERMISSION_DENIED; Failure message: Permission 'cloudmessaging.messages.create' denied on resource '//' (or it may not exist)."

Any ideas?

Thank you! I have applied the latest patch in #24 and i have succesfully uploaded the file with the credentials.
However, this broke the functionality and it doesn't send notifications anymore. The code I use is similar to the modules documentation:

// Token is generated by app. You'll have to send the token to Drupal.
$fakeToken = 'e3vUiwcvkpY:APA91bEDZzKTIkaL0e-UTwiV6EGi1m5J5PrDMxejm6-d85vdwAgd';
$messageService = \Drupal::service('firebase.message');
  'title' => 'Title goes here',
  'body' => 'Body goes here',
  'badge' => 1,
  'icon' => 'optional-icon',
  'sound' => 'optional-sound',
  'click_action' => 'optional-action',
  'score' => '3x1',
  'date' => '2017-10-10',
  'optional' => 'Data is used to send silent pushes. Otherwise, optional.',
$messageService->setOptions(['priority' => 'normal']);

It seems that the setNotification does not exist anymore and I am not sure what other changes are done.

Could someone provide me with an example (instructions/code) on how to send a notification after applying the patch?

Production build 0.69.0 2024