Account created on 6 June 2024, 8 months ago

Recent comments

Hello S3b0uN3t.
I have tried today to use the template example Docusign Signature form.
As you can see in the picture (see screenshots attached), I have filled the form with the good template ID,
but when I click on "submit", nothing happen

But as I say (just in the message before), when I re-activate JavaScript, I have the bug and the error in the browser console (see picture attached).
And it's impossible to submit the form

Hello Cilefen. Sorry for the delay in my reply. I have deactivated JavaScript in my browser (Firefox). And now I can upload the images and files. Admittedly, the thumbnail isn't displayed next to the upload field, but the file is uploaded correctly and I'm able to post the content with the uploaded image. However, as soon as I re-enable JavaScript in my browser, the bug reappears.


By "a custom node type", I mean a simply "Content node" that I want to add. And in this Content, I want to add a picture.

Steps to reproduce the bug :
1 - Go the page "Content/Media"

2- Click on "+Add media"

3- Choose "Image" (for instance)

4- Select a picture file in the field "Add a new file > Browse"

5 - Then you have this Error message Notification on top of the page :
"Error message
Oops, something went wrong. Check your browser's developer console for more details."

6- When you open the Brower Developer Console, you have the detail for the Ajax error.

Thanks a lot for your support, appreciate it !

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