Account created on 3 April 2024, 9 months ago

Recent comments

Hello. I installed another theme active - Olivero 10.3.6 - there is still the line "

CONCLUSION - the cause of the error is not in the "Solo" theme

The issue is resolved. "Clear cache" helped

The issue is resolved. "Clear cache" helped

Thank you. Added code h3.pb_ content-title { text-align: center;

in the Solo theme settings, in the "CSS Injector" section

Replacement with code
h3 class="pb__content-title">{{ content.pb_content_title }}

I change the "pb__content-title" class to "text-align-center"

Then centering works


{{ content.pb_content_title }}

Apparently, this section of code is responsible for h1....h5.
But how to add centering?


Hello. Your method requires displaying a menu through a β€œblock diagram”. Thus, "Bundle drupal block" will duplicate the existing menu. I need to display blocks on the start page of the site that contain part of the existing menu (i.e., not the entire menu branch), BUT at the same time, this menu should not be on the start page. Is it possible to do this?

Hello. The alternative method seemed to me the most convenient. Thank you. Everything worked out.

Hello. Can you tell me which theme file needs to be changed?

#page-wrapper .you-should-get-your-menu-name-here {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr;

Good afternoon. solo-1.PNG is a menu, you are right. solo-2.PNG is the IMCE dialog box when inserting a photo (file) in the visual editor.

Hello. How to fix the error "Invalid attribute. 'url' is not in standard URL format: ". This causes 100% API errors. Send addresses with https.

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