Oops, date formats? Did not see that one comming.
You are welcome (regarding detailed reporting).
Good job on spotting date format problem, excluding Ajax, downgrading and moving.
#2, #4
Yes, I created a new DB, new instance of Drupal 10 as a new project with "Workflow" as the only added module. All installations were performed as instructed on
https://www.drupal.org/docs/getting-started/installing-drupal/get-the-code β
- composer create-project drupal/recommended-project newD10
- Installation and configuration in browser "as usual"
- composer require drupal/workflow
- Enabling only workflow module and no submodules
- Under Admin -> Configuration -> Workflow I choose (i.e. click on button) "+ Add workflow"
- Textbox with labe "Label*" I type "FlΓΆ"
- Text to the right of the textbox says "Machine name: fl [Edit] (see attached image "fl1.png"
- Javascript console - see attached image "fl2.png"
Please note:
Since I reinstalled and rechecked... this might not be D10 issue,
it could be Workflow related since correct behavior is discovered
in other situation in D10 not related to Workflow.
In such case this might need to be moved to Workflow issue queue - could you do it or should I?