🇪🇸Spain @MigueMárquez

Account created on 12 March 2024, 7 months ago

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🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

I have done what you asked me and I still have the same error, I am going to continue testing and investigating the errors and access to php, because in principle I do not see anything strange, I will also wait to see if you can check that error, anything I'll do commenting, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

Hello, sorry for the inconvenience, I have been investigating today and it seems that the module is working with the administrator and content management users, apparently it is trying to do the redirection to the domains, with the only error being that does not load completely (appearing the error that I showed you previously), when updating the page, it goes through each of the domains (.fr, .pt, .de, .shop...).

When performing the last f5, it loads and goes to the main domain, having full functions and being able to edit any type of content, regardless of the language, so my question now is, if there would be some type of solution for this, Because we have seen that it does work, but with these users I have that problem, I would appreciate your help and again as always, thank you very much for everything, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

Hello, today it finally worked for me, although with some small errors that I will mention below.

First of all, I would like to tell you that I have tried the version that you have indicated to me and it is the one that has worked for me.

I tell you, at first everything worked well for me, in fact I leave you here a screenshot so you can see how the redirection to each of the domains is carried out, well the question comes that from one moment to the next, the domain mitortuga.es (Spanish ) has stopped working, giving me another 500 error.

Another of my errors is that it has only worked with users who are clients, any user who has administrator or content editor permission has not performed the redirection, giving me the same error as yesterday (from mitortuga.es, try starting it in matortue .fr, which causes conflict).

Is there any solution to these errors? since in principle everything is configured correctly.

Thank you again for your help and interest, I am very happy with your efforts and the help provided, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

Hello, I'm going to continue investigating but in principle these are the errors and logs that appear, I have reviewed both the thrustedhosts configuration and the domain configuration and everything is correct.

I'll show you what appears to me and tomorrow when I investigate it correctly, I'll inform you more, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

Hello, thank you again for your time, I have done everything you have indicated.

Let me explain, I entered https://mitortuga.es/user/login and it automatically directed me to the domain https://matortue.fr/user/login/domain/6331894...

In principle it redirects me but with an error as I show you in these images, I also don't understand why if I am logging in to the Spanish domain, I am automatically directed to the French domain, I don't know if it is my configuration error or if there is some module or something that causes conflict, since I am working with a project that is not my own, but has been created by other colleagues.

Thank you again for your time and I hope that with your help, I can find a solution to this problem, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

Hello, I have been checking the network history of the console and the only thing I have found is this, I don't know if it helps the question you asked me or I am wrong, at first it shows me this error (403 Forbidden), yes Can you guide me regarding the other questions, I would appreciate it, since I am not very expert in Drupal yet, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

@kriboogh Hello, thank you for your answers, regarding the doubt, of course all the domains are made in Drupal.

It still doesn't work for me in principle, my problem is wanting to edit a type of content that is in different languages ​​(domains) since I have to log in every time I want to edit it and of course in each of the languages, something tedious and that generates a waste of time for customers, I don't know if your module can solve this problem, if not, thank you very much for your time and I would appreciate any advice or possible solution to this, greetings!

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

@gorkagr Thank you very much for your answer, it still doesn't work for me or at least I think it doesn't solve my problem

🇪🇸Spain MigueMárquez

@gorkagr Hi! Sorry for not responding sooner, I've had personal problems, I've tried what you've told me and it still doesn't work, any other ideas?

Here I show you how I currently have it configured, thank you and greetings!

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