Account created on 7 March 2024, 7 months ago

Recent comments

Does this behavior occur on all types of users? (manager, contributor, visitor, etc.)

We suspect a problem with the rights of the user who would not have access to the WHR format of the image, and if this is the case, we will set up a mechanism to get another image format.

Can you provide us with the login of the user used to reproduce this case?

Indeed, the JSON is stored in order to determine the nature of the media during rendering and adapt the HTML component to use (image or video).
That being said, this behavior will evolve, and it is preferable for the moment not to use or rely on this JSON.
This JSON is constructed by the Keepicker, and for this, we rely on several API responses from our DAM.

It is complex to try to recreate this JSON.

What do you need?

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