Account created on 4 March 2024, 11 months ago

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Hi @Vinai_Katiyar It worked ! Greatly appreciate you for letting us know about this choice that can be selected for the replacement to occur.

@Sourav_Paul I am providing more info. I have modified the default taxonomy term(content) views. Added a term as a relationship and a contextual filter on the same term. You can look at the view definition in the attached screenshots. The term(Ubuntu) will be fetched from the URL path e.g. /category/Ubuntu and list all the pages associated with the term Ubuntu. Everything is working except the meta description replacement.

Hi @nmangold , I tested highlightjs input filter in a separate installation of Drupal 10.2 and it worked.
I am not sure why the same steps does not include necessary highlightjs JS/CSS files in the staging site.
Since the site is staging, i don't have too much options for debugging.
I will let you know about debug details whenever i get a chance to do so.

Hi @nmangold I checked again with XML and PHP block but it does not make any differences. The main issue is, Drupal unable to import necessary highlightjs JS/CSS files in the pages to make it work.

However, if i manually import the highlightjs JS/CSS libraries by configuring the *.libraries.yaml file everything works as expected.

  version: 1.0.0
    /libraries/highlightjs/highlight.min.js: {}
    /libraries/highlightjs/highlightjs-copy.min.js: {}
    /libraries/highlightjs/invoke-highlight.js: {}

      /libraries/highlightjs/highlightjs-copy.min.css: {}
      /libraries/highlightjs/default.min.css: {}

That was an issue with vote roll over on voting API (/admin/config/search/votingapi) Setting right values for roll over vote solves the problem.

Another issue i am facing is that, the dislike button always remains in disabled state for anonymous users. The permissions for add/remove Like vote is already assigned to the anonymous users.

{{ page.content.system_main['#attached'].placeholders }} displays the like/dislike widgets.

I was displaying page body content using {{ node.body.value|raw }} and once i replace the same with {{ page.content }} the like/dislike widgets is now visible. Having said that, is it possible to display the widgets using something like {{ page.content.like_and_dislike }} ? I don't see any node variable available for like/dislike field in the twig debug mode.

The above patch is for checking access to query. In my base theme(bootstrap_barrio) if i remove the patched line ->accessCheck(), I get the same error as mentioned previously.

Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\Query\\QueryException: "Entity queries must explicitly set whether the query should be access checked or not. See Drupal\\Core\\Entity\\Query\\QueryInterface::accessCheck()." at /var/www/html/drupal/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Query/Sql/Query.php line 141, referer:

After applying the patch, i can see the like/dislike widgets in the base theme.

However, if i switch to the sub-theme which is derived from bootstrap_barrio, i don't see any widgets. On debugging, i have found that the voting api module does get called in the subtheme, no code/css are added to the page. I can confirm like/dislike field is there in the manage display settings for the article content type.


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