Account created on 27 February 2024, 7 months ago

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I have identified the issue and understand why I received that error and why the calendar with time slots did not appear. I had Drupal installed on localhost/mydrupal, and the module only accepts localhost. When the JavaScript tried to fetch the data and open slots from the link http://localhost/get-slots/booking/123/2024-03-22, I actually had http://localhost/mydrupal/get-slots/booking/123/2024-03-22, so the issue was related to path and routing.
Please be aware of this situation and correct it if you wish. Once again, thank you for the quick response, and the module is exceptionally good.

I changed the date format as per your instructions, but it still doesn't work. I've reinstalled the module, but it's still the same; it appears as a simple text format. I also encountered some errors indicating that it couldn't find the specified date.

Thank you for the quick response!
I have attached a screenshot with the field settings.

For this project, I used the Webform module version (6.2.2) and all its activated submodules. I will attach my SVG file, which will be in the zip file, so you can test it with the SVG seen in the video clip.
1. Firstly, navigate to "admin/structure/webform/options/custom/manage" and add a custom option named "SVG."
2. Configure the custom options as follows:
- Category: Maps
- Template
- Type: URL
- HTML/SVG file URL or path: "/sites/default/files/svg/hghg.svg" (I have placed the SVG file here)
- Option value attribute names: id
- Option text attribute names: id
- Check "Allow SVG option elements to be filled using CSS" and "Enable SVG panning and zooming."
- Leave unchecked "Show select menu associated with the custom options element" and "Display option text and description in a tooltip."
- Under Integration, check only "Use as a basic select element" and save.
3. Then, navigate to "/admin/structure/webform" and create a new webform named "test."
4. Add the previously created element by clicking "+Add element" and selecting SVG (from the Custom elements category).
5. Configure the element settings as follows:
- Title: Test
- Allowed number of values: Unlimited
- Form validation: Check "Unique" and "Unique per entity"
- Save the element.
6. After that, go to "admin/structure/webform/manage/test/settings," then navigate to Emails/Handlers, and add a handler called "Options/Checkbox limit."
7. Configure the handler settings as follows:
- Title: Options/Checkbox limit
- Element settings: Element: Test (SVG) [Here, selectable options and limitations for each element from SVG should appear. This is where I encounter the issue.]
8. After saving the handler, attempt to test the webform at "webform/test/test." However, an error occurs: "The website encountered an unexpected error. Try again later." The specific error encountered is attached here.After deactivating the limiting handler, it reverts back to its initial state, meaning the SVG file is selectable, and so on.
Thank you !

Hello! I also have the same problem.Please help me. This is my issue ( 🐛 Options/Checkbox Limit custom SVG Postponed: needs info )

alex20001111 changed the visibility of the branch 3424040-report-of-issue to hidden.

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