Thanks for the review, I have updated the code. Regarding the idea of using __set() method to mark entity for translation - this did not seem to work. I tried:
1. Using __set() without $entity->save() - dynamic field was not preserved in hook_entity_load method
2. Using __set() with $entity->save() - I get 'Update existing 'node' entity revision while changing the revision ID is not supported.' error
3. Calling __set() from hook_entity_presave instead of hook_entity_update or hook_entity_insert, so that entity is saved afterwards.
However, I refactored the method, so that it uses the entity list provided as parameter.
@apaderno Thanks for the review, I have fixed these types of issues in my latest commits.
Changing the issue priority as per issue priorities → .
@vishal.kadam Thanks for the quick review, I have made required changes in WEB-T project's Drupalcode repository.
Update branch name in this issue and in code repository.
dragels → created an issue.