Yes, I've just seen your changes.
Thank you.
Hi @dolszewski
Thank you for your quick reply,
- We're using version 10.1.7 for the version.
- For the steps, in the CKEditor configuration (Rich text), I activate this option "Enable the Word Count plugin" and when I save the configuration I get this error.
Image: https://www.drupal.org/files/issues/2024-05-16/config_richtext.png →
- Yes, we use layout builder & Autosave Form but the error occurs before using layout builder or a content type.
If you have any further questions please don't hesitate.
Anouar LOUEDZIANE → created an issue.
I had the same issue in my project:
Attempting to access a webform submission containing a dropzonejs field results in the following error.
Error: Call to undefined function template_preprocess_webform_element_managed_file() in template_preprocess_webform_element_dropzonejs() (line 13 of /modules/contrib/webform_dropzonejs/includes/webform_dropzonejs.theme.template.inc).
The issue is due to this deprecated function module_load_include, using the ModuleHandler::loadInclude() instead seems to resolve the issue for me.