Account created on 3 January 2024, 9 months ago

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The message is generated by the front page view. You need to create a custom template for this view.

In your custom theme, create a new template file for the view. Based on the theme debug info, the file should be named views-view--frontpage--page-1.html.twig.

In your custom template, you can check if there are no results and then display your custom message.

You need to create a new theme because Drupal 10 uses Twig for templating, so you will need to rewrite your templates.

You can use Upgrade Status Module that Helps assess the readiness of your site for migration by checking for deprecated code and module compatibility.

Optimizing Drupal performance for a high-traffic website involves several best practices, modules, and configurations.

Here are some key strategies:

  • Enable caching for anonymous users.
  • Aggregate and compress CSS and JavaScript files.
  • Image Optimization
  • Implement server-side caching solutions like Varnish.

This a list of recommended Modules:

Redis: Improves performance by caching data in memory, reducing database load.
Memcache Another caching backend that helps to reduce database queries.
Varnish: A reverse proxy that caches pages and serves them quickly.
Advanced CSS/JS Aggregation (AdvAgg)
Blazy: Provides lazy loading for images, making page loads faster.


Here is a post describe how to delete the config of update.settings .

There is a release of the easy install module for Drupal 10  easy_install_d10


You have extra body and html tags in page.html.twig.

Alternatively, you can use the script in Drupal core that allows theme generation.

php core/scripts/drupal generate-theme my_new_theme

see this


Yes, it's generally safe to allow php-http/discovery. It's a widely used for discovering HTTP clients in PHP.


Try to do this:

Go to /admin/reports/status and scroll down to Node Access Permissions. There is a link 'Rebuild permissions'. Click on it. Depending on how many permissions you have, it could take a few second to a few minutes.


Did you add the file into .info file?

Try to replace the font-family to the current downloaded font in your stylesheet.

Clear the cache from the theme and you can see the font.


If you want to get all events that does not have an image you need to pass those params. does not exist

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