🇩🇪Germany @windm

Account created on 14 October 2008, almost 16 years ago

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🇩🇪Germany windm

Hi @sanduhrs, thank you for the quick reply.
OK - got that
so "workaround" as per #1 would be:
- introduce a dedicated (text)field to my content-type
- define the node-URL as the "default value" for it (so I do not even have to show it in the form/edit mode?)
- I could hide it or show it in the standard display of the node as I like
- for the "print-view" I could use the field with the formatter "barcode" and make it a qr-code there...

#2 with the twig filter looks pretty smart, but does not work, as long as the core bug is not fixed...
to get that right (and maybe move to that solution later), 2 maybe stupid questions:
- te token you have pasted can simply be used as a replacement token in a Global: Custom text field?
- does "twig filter" way require the "twig input filter" module (plus mentioned dependencies) to be installed? Or even more modules?

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