Account created on 30 October 2023, 8 months ago

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Hi Bram,

Q; Is your theme properly declared as a subtheme of Bario Bootstrap?
A: Yes, it it propely defined even we have multiple sub themes they are applying for each site as different presentation. Since we are using domain access module.
Q: Your custom theme is enabled and set as default?
A: Yes, My custom theme enabled and set as default.

I checked one of my own projects where we themed the poll, here is the structure: docroot/themes/custom/THEMENAME/templates/poll/poll-meter.html.twig

The above method also I have tried to created poll folder inside template but still not luck.

Even the custom content template also not loading - we have created content type "project" and template we have defined as "node--project.html.twig" even this template not loading the same is working in local environment.

Hi Bram,

Here is my structure of theme \themes\custom\mythemegroup\templates

inside templates poll-meter.html, poll-results.html we have these 2 templates copied from \modules\contrib\poll\templates folder

Unfortunately we are not using GIT to move codes. We have only developed above templates to achieve desired outcome only issues the templates are not able to idnetify by drupal in server as its working in local server.

Also we have tried to enable twig debug and we can see some template suggestions but not sure what would be stopping the templates loading.

Yes, I have rebuild cache, theme registry , flushed all the cache as well.

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