🇨🇭Switzerland @gbaudoin

Account created on 10 October 2008, almost 16 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

References to current Drupal version and legacy documentation platform.

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

Updated references to D11 from D10

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

References to current links and Drupal version

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

Typos and correct URL for wampserver

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

Typos and updated references to current versions of Drupal and PHP.

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

D10 is now available

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

Small typos.

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

Corrected the link to json-schema.org

🇨🇭Switzerland gbaudoin

Corrected the link to json-schema.org

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