rahulrao.cs → created an issue. See original summary → .
Hi, when checking further, we noticed that group relationships are large adding cache tags to X-Acquia-Purge-Tags. We are using purge and acquia purge modules.
When ran command:
curl -sSIXGET -H "Host: hostname" "http://localhost:8888/node/3999281/edit?destination=/admin/content" -H "X-forwarded-proto: https" -H "Cookie: cookie-key", we are able to see large cache tags that are being added to the X-Acquia-Purge-Tags
Did anyone run into this issue before?
rahulrao.cs → created an issue.
Hi Lobster, Thanks for the reply. Not sure if this the one you are referring but I don't have to access to it. https://drupal.slack.com/. Can I ask if there is any other slack org that I can find you in?. Thanks
Thanks for checking on it. I tried again today with stripping all the user permissions and creating a new user but I still see all the taxonomy terms (Not just the terms in the group). If you are free and willing, we can have a short WebEx conference where I can share my screen and we can talk this over?. It would be of great help.
Hi Lobster,
Thanks a lot for checking.
You mentioned that you did a taxonomy entity reference (my group type) in Article content type and added 2 taxonomy terms to group 1. When Logged in as an user from group 1 and trying to add new node, Were you just seeing 2 terms that in that group in the entity reference field in Article or all the 3 terms?.
I tried replicating the same and when I tried to add a new node and in the entity reference field, I was still able to see 3 taxonomy terms in that field even though the user doesn't have access to view all the terms. P.F.A, Screenshot of the permissions.
Thank you for checking into this case. Here is what I have tried since I last posted. I tried with adding a custom view where we pass the group id as a contextual filter to check if I can restrict the taxonomies based on the group type but It wasn't very helpful. Thanks again. We appreciate your continued help
Hi LOBsTerr, Sorry not to bother. Just adding to the previous comment. I created a new vocabulary and added 2 terms in first group and 2 terms in second group and added the taxonomy reference in a content type. When I logged in as an user in group 1 and tried to create a new node, I saw all 4 terms in that node but not just the 2 terms that are that group. Attached the screenshots
LOBsTerr, thank you for the fast reply.
I was able to figure out how to add content and taxonomy to groups and I was able to add users to those groups. However, when referencing taxonomy in content types, we see all the taxonomy terms but we want to restrict the user to select taxonomy terms that in that group.
I added the screenshot for an idea of the issue. Did you understand my issue?. Did you run into this issue? If you are free and willing, we can have a short WebEx conference where I can share my screen and we can talk this over?
rahulrao.cs → created an issue.