🇮🇳India @e3aa3b

Account created on 26 May 2023, about 1 year ago

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🇮🇳India e3aa3b

Thanks for the comment @cmlara

1. We're not specifying the access key and secret key anywhere

2. when I do phpinfo(), I notice following AWS specific variables present:

These are matching with the values in the environment. Are we expecting more which maybe missing here..?

3. Also the AWS_WEB_IDENTITY_TOKEN_FILE has full access across, so I believe should be readable by PHP.

Thanks for your feedback so far! Pls let me know if some more debugging maybe possible to crack it.

🇮🇳India e3aa3b


We're looking out for configuration using "Option 1 (Use AWS defaultProvider)" as mentioned here: https://git.drupalcode.org/project/s3fs/-/blob/4.0.x/README.txt

I believe that should work without specifying the access key and secret key. We're able to access s3 bucket using our configured IAM role (tested via AWS CLI). The intention is to be able to access s3 bucket using the IAM role (instead of credentials).

Any pointers will be very helpful. Thanks!

🇮🇳India e3aa3b

Helli Gisele, thanks for your revert! I haven't been able to get it working based on the shared documentation. I have posted my query in the project's issue queue

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