Account created on 23 May 2023, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

Hi sarwan_verma,

I tested the changes you added in MR!12. They work as expected.

A sincere Thank you,

Hello. In order to better understand ECA, can I ask: What mechanism enables ECA to offer the Load Entity ? Possibly a better question is : How can I add the Webform Access Group to be loaded via Load Entity ? I sincerely appreciate your time. Thank you

Hello @sirclickalot and @andypost,

I'm curious to know the outcome of this discussion. I would also like access to a token with the "impersonator_uid".
I would use this token to :
- first: learn the state of "current-user is being impersonated" if a value is present, and
- second: learn the "uid of the impersonator".

Was it determined already possible? If so, can you please share your findings with me?

Thank you,

Hello. The Webform Access Group seems to be "config" and it stores its data in a YML file. However, the Webform Access Group membership seems to be "content" and stores its data in the database table webform_access_group_user.

I agree with @eugene.ilyin comment #3.
In the core modules system FileDownloadController::download() method, the requested file path with image style fails the is_file($uri) check and the method returns 404 Not Found.

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