🇦🇺Australia @shanilkns

Account created on 9 May 2023, almost 2 years ago

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🇦🇺Australia shanilkns


Above is what D10.0.9 website's query string on media library navigation and compared to this D10.0.10, D10.1.1, D10.1.2 query string is way too long

🇦🇺Australia shanilkns

Apparently the query string is too long and hence IIS is blocking the request.
But, It was working fine until Drupal 10.0.9
It brakes from 10.0.10, hope this would help you to narrow down the issue.
Thank you

🇦🇺Australia shanilkns

The website is running on Azure, Windows server 2016, IIS 10.0.14393.0, php 8.1.20
I reprocued the error by installing a new instance, then enable "Media" and "Media library" core modules.
Then add Media field into a content type and then try adding a new node.

I get this Alert

Error message
Oops, something went wrong. Check your browser's developer console for more details.

and Showing this in the console

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)

An AJAX HTTP error occurred.
HTTP Result Code: 404
Debugging information follows.
Path: /views/ajax?ajax_form=1&_wrapper_format=drupal_ajax&media_library_opener_id=media_library.opener.field_widget&media_library_allowed_types%5Bimage%5D=image&media_library_selected_type=image&media_library_remaining=1&media_library_opener_parameters%5Bfield_widget_id%5D=field_page_image&media_library_opener_parameters%5Bentity_type_id%5D=node&media_library_opener_parameters%5Bbundle%5D=page&media_library_opener_parameters%5Bfield_name%5D=field_page_image&hash=z1AeivOYkRC13HQBUWdEHIDCBpGF5bk5tLwAaJmgWjw
StatusText: Not Found
IIS 10.0 Detailed Error - 404.15 - Not Found
HTTP Error 404.15 - Not Found
The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long.
Most likely causes:
Request filtering is configured on the Web server to deny the request because the query string is too long.
Things you can try:
Verify the configuration/system.webServer/security/requestFiltering/requestLimits@maxQueryString setting in the applicationhost.config or web.config file.

🇦🇺Australia shanilkns

shanilkns created an issue.

🇦🇺Australia shanilkns

Hope this patch helps.
Patch tested with facet 2.0.6, PHP 8.14

It creates an additional checkbox on the facet form to enable/disable this feature.

Production build 0.71.5 2024