Account created on 25 April 2023, over 1 year ago

Recent comments

Had to import XLSX files that similarly did not have a filename in the path. Used content-disposition / content-type headers. If someone finds this useful, this worked for me, up to now.

Had to import XLSX files that similarly did not have the filename in the url. The attached patch works for me.

Had a different issue, but similar with a Postgres db, while using webform autosave, that was calling into WebformSubmissionLogManager

This change fixed it for me.
Would like to set up automated tests for postgres, but don't know yet how, yet.

pgdb_1  | 2023-07-04 18:57:39.489 UTC [38] ERROR:  syntax error at or near "." at character 482
pgdb_1  | 2023-07-04 18:57:39.489 UTC [38] STATEMENT:  SELECT "log"."lid" AS "lid", "log"."uid" AS "uid", "log"."webform_id" AS "webform_id", "log"."sid" AS "sid", "log"."handler_id" AS "handler_id", "log"."operation" AS "operation", "log"."message" AS "message", "log"."variables" AS "variables", "log"."timestamp" AS "timestamp", "log"."data" AS "data", "submission"."entity_type" AS "entity_type", "submission"."entity_id" AS "entity_id"
pgdb_1  | 	FROM
pgdb_1  | 	"webform_submission_log" "log"
pgdb_1  | 	LEFT OUTER JOIN "users_field_data" "user" ON log.uid = user.uid
pgdb_1  | 	LEFT OUTER JOIN "webform_submission" "submission" ON log.sid = submission.sid
pgdb_1  | 	WHERE ("log"."webform_id" = 'demo_cop') AND ("log"."sid" = '28')
pgdb_1  | 	ORDER BY "timestamp" DESC NULLS LAST
pgdb_1  | 	LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0
web_1   | [Tue Jul 04 18:57:39.497438 2023] [php:notice] [pid 19] [client] Uncaught PHP Exception Drupal\\Core\\Database\\DatabaseExceptionWrapper: "SQLSTATE[42601]: Syntax error: 7 ERROR:  syntax error at or near "."\nLINE 4: ...T OUTER JOIN "users_field_data" "user" ON log.uid = user.uid\n                                                                   ^: SELECT "log"."lid" AS "lid", "log"."uid" AS "uid", "log"."webform_id" AS "webform_id", "log"."sid" AS "sid", "log"."handler_id" AS "handler_id", "log"."operation" AS "operation", "log"."message" AS "message", "log"."variables" AS "variables", "log"."timestamp" AS "timestamp", "log"."data" AS "data", "submission"."entity_type" AS "entity_type", "submission"."entity_id" AS "entity_id"\nFROM\n"webform_submission_log" "log"\nLEFT OUTER JOIN "users_field_data" "user" ON log.uid = user.uid\nLEFT OUTER JOIN "webform_submission" "submission" ON log.sid = submission.sid\nWHERE ("log"."webform_id" = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND ("log"."sid" = :db_condition_placeholder_1)\nORDER BY "timestamp" DESC NULLS LAST\nLIMIT 1 OFFSET 0; Array\n(\n    [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => demo_cop\n    [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => 28\n)\n" at /opt/drupal/web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Database/ExceptionHandler.php line 66

PS: First time contributor to a drupal project, tried to follow the contribution guide. Let me know if anything needs to change.

Production build 0.71.5 2024