Account created on 20 April 2023, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

Very weird. That was a great idea. I had done that Friday before I left, and it showed installed. So I ran the composer require again today, and again, it showed as already installed.

So I killed/restarted the drupal pod. When it came back up, still the same error. I then executed composer dump-autoload -o to generate an autoload file. I don't exactly understand what this does, but I saw it recommended somewhere else.

Then I tried to reinstall sop/jwx via composer, but it told me that it's not currently installed. What?

Executed the composer require command, it installed, and now OIDC is working as expected on that site.

Clearly I did something wrong; or thought I'd done something and actually hadn't. Regardless, I appreciate the guidance because I'm unstuck. Now I hope it's just as easy to do the same in my other environments.

Much obliged!

Mmm, OK, fair. I hadn't considered that the theme wasn't intended for users in an Editor role. That helps. And I'll keep it in mind for future expectations.

Given that I'd like the layout to be vertical instead of horizontal when viewing, do you have any hints as to where I should start? I suspect that there's *something* I can change in the CSS to do that. Or do you advise against that?

I should have started by thanking you for the work on this theme & support; it's great to see someone put in so much valuable effort out of their respect for the community. I'm beyond impressed and appreciative.

The issue was actually on the kubernetes side of the stack, and not related to drupal/bitnami image.  Specifically, there was a 1MB limitation on the ingress controller.  This thread sorted it out for our k8s administrator.  Who is obviously not me (I'm the pseudo-drupal person).

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