Account created on 20 April 2023, over 1 year ago

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Hi @ suchdavid,

The issue has been addressed in our latest release (2.0.7)

Hi suchdavid,

After conducting further investigation on our end, here are our findings:

Issue #1: Whenever new content is created in Drupal, a job is created but remains inactive. This results in no translations being sent to Transifex for translation.

→ We are currently working on a fix for this issue, which will be released soon.

Issue #2: When content previously sent for translation is updated, no job is automatically created through the continuous jobs feature.

→ After fixing continuous jobs in our module, it appears that content updates are still not sent by the continuous jobs feature. This seems to be a Drupal/Tmgmt limitation. Is this your take as well? Is this why you suggest utilizing a custom module that implements hook_entity_update to re-enable job items?

Production build 0.71.5 2024