Yes same here 11.1.1
here is a patch as the fix is very simple
that was not it
These media items were created on a drush migration import, and that seems to have been the cause.
If i re-save them with drush thref the issue seems solved.
Seems to be solved after making sure these fonts are installed
apt install fonts-recommended
apt install fonts-liberation
joristhedrupalist β created an issue.
I added a new branch to the fork that makes this compatible with D10 and merges in the last 8.x-1.0-rc3 updates from upstream
Can anyone point me in the direction how to create a patch if needed? Or ping me if you need a patch and I will work it out.
joristhedrupalist β made their first commit to this issueβs fork.
JorisTheDrupalist β created an issue.
Drupal 10
Thanks @nhwells for your comment #13, that's it.
Yes this is a Drupal bug in the way it checks if the directory exists.
I think the easy way to solve this if have the mkDir function of web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/FileSystem.php build the missing components of the parent directory in reverse order.
Instead of starting to check if /var exists in the below example start with checking if /var/www/webuser298/web/private_files/styles/thumbnails/large/private exists and work your way back until you get to a directory that does exist, and then you know what directories to create.
I havent needed a patch yet but that would be my approach.
thanks again!