🇮🇹Italy @AleDDR

Account created on 27 March 2023, over 1 year ago

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🇮🇹Italy AleDDR

I found the solution, very simple.
I'm really sorry, but I didn't realize that the latest version had not been installed due to an incompatibility with another module. I isolated the incompatibility and installed the latest version, everything works perfectly!

🇮🇹Italy AleDDR

Hi @TomTech,
I really appreciate your contribution and your availability, and I thank you very much.

I still need to ask for support to better understand and resolve the issue.

In the meantime, I confirm that I am testing in a Drupal development environment, on Stripe in Test Mode, and the sensitive data shared is anonymized but consistent.
I have performed checks and tests based on your suggestions, and here are the results.

Webhook events result in a 500 Internal Server Error

Regarding "Webhook events result in a 500 Internal Server Error", which impacts all transactions, I have made progress by reconfiguring:

  • the WebHook on Stripe
  • the "Default Checkout flows" on Drupal, adding "Stripe review" in the Review stage, while leaving "Setup future usage" set to "None".

I no longer get the error
No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload...
, but now I have this error: "Drupal\commerce_stripe\Plugin\Commerce\PaymentGateway\StripePaymentElement::processWebHook(): Argument #1 ($webhook_event_id) must be of type int, null given, called in /var/opt/www/[your site domain]/releases/58/web/modules/contrib/commerce_stripe/src/Plugin/Commerce/PaymentGateway/StripePaymentElement.php on line 586.
I have already read another issue ( #3420717 🐛 Webhook httpstatus 500 Fixed ), but I didn't quite understand what needs to be done to resolve it...
I tried introducing "skip_return_failure": true, where should I insert it?
Has the fix for #3420717 already been applied to commerce_stripe-8.x-1.2, or is it necessary to apply a workaround?
- Here is the request sent by Stripe to the Webhook ( requestBodyAnonymized.tx t)

Payment method: Klarna

I reviewed the scenarios in Klarna's documentation without finding any issues (customer address, currency, order amount, ...)
I believe the problem lies with the configuration of the "Setup Future Usage" option set to "Single use", because I can't find where or how to configure this option. In short, on the requires_payment_method request, the "Setup Future Usage" option remains set to "On-session", and that's why I don't see Klarna.
Let me give you some information about the current configurations:

Can you help me further with this?
Thank you in advance!

🇮🇹Italy AleDDR

AleDDR created an issue.

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