
Account created on 9 March 2023, almost 2 years ago

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Hello, @muthu12345
My name is NagiPragalathan, and I study computer science at the Chennai Jaya Engineering College.

I like the concept of the Drupal ELearning site. I already work with LMS on our college website, so I believe I'm a good fit for this project. I'm also an Open Source contributor for Python, have knowledge of problem-solving techniques, am skilled with React, Django, and Flask.
Working on this endeavour with the assistance of a top-notch instructor excite me greatly. Please advise me on how to begin giving.
Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, React.js, and Node.js are among my technical skills.

And here is my linkedin and github profiles ,
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/nagi-pragalathan-n-a03a55230
Github : https://github.com/nagipragalathan

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