🇮🇳India @aayushi.kachhwaha

Account created on 21 November 2022, over 2 years ago

Recent comments

🇮🇳India aayushi.kachhwaha

Hi Edmund
Confirmed the same as msbtterswrth. Reviwed and could not reproduce the issue until the node has a boolean field.

🇮🇳India aayushi.kachhwaha

Hi Alok Singh
Checked the issue at my side. The copyright position is showing correctly in footer.

🇮🇳India aayushi.kachhwaha

Hi @dawadorjidd ,
I have reviewed and tested your patch . It is applied successfully.

🇮🇳India aayushi.kachhwaha

Reviewed MR #7 for change in file src/Plugin/WebformHandler/RestWebformHandler.php. Works fine.

🇮🇳India aayushi.kachhwaha

This means that multilingual fields are hidden and are only visible/editable if current site language is the original one.

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