Account created on 7 November 2022, over 2 years ago

Recent comments

Thank You gausart, I have uploaded a new patch with the suggested changes, in case anyone needs it.

Hello gausarts,

As always a pleasure to deal with you, you do a great job and we thank you very much.

I hope you forgive me, but I'm sorry to inform you that the patch is not correct, maybe the output has been mixed with other changes you were making, the first lines of the patch must be removed so that the patch is applied correctly:

diff --git a/css/blazy.css b/css/blazy.css
index a7b6477..6cda23c 100644
--- a/css/blazy.css
+++ b/css/blazy.css
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ html:not(.js) [data-b-blur] {
   border: 0;
-/* To keep animated elements in place when not happing .blazy container. */
+/* To keep animated elements in place when not having .blazy container. */
 /* Or BlazyFilter which has no .blazy container. */
 .media--fx {

Also it doesn't work properly, although the "View mode" field appears, but only the "default" value appears, this is because you use the variable "$target_type" to get the view mode options in:

      $form['view_mode'] = [
        '#type'     => 'select',
	'#options'  => $this->getViewModeOptions($target_type),
        '#title'    => $this->t('View mode'),
        '#weight'   => -101,
        '#enforced' => TRUE,

But this variable, which should have a string value, like "node" for example, has become a boolean value, because previously you make a comparison "||" and if both values are empty it returns "false" and if any of them contains any data it returns "true":

$target_type  = $scopes->get('target_type') || $blazies->get('field.target_type');
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