πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±Poland @Mirek_Sabiniewicz

Account created on 17 August 2022, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±Poland Mirek_Sabiniewicz

Hi Josh

Thanks for the information.

The plan was very simple.
I added to bookable_calendar.permissions.yml new definitions for view, create, edit and delete own calendar, openings and instances.
I added permissions in the Access files.
And I ran into a little problem. Database tables Calendar, openings and instances don't have a UID column? did i miss something?

πŸ‡΅πŸ‡±Poland Mirek_Sabiniewicz

Hi Josh,
The attached file contains the code of the proposed 4 tokens that Katarzyna uses very often and allows you to create your own e-mail view.

ID: [booking_contact:instance_id]
Instance Title: [booking_contact:instance_title]
Date: [booking_contact:date]
Created: [booking_contact:created]

I'm attaching it as a file because I don't want to generate a patch so as not to break anything.

It would be nice if you liked the proposal, because we do the same thing every time we update :)
And other users might find it useful too. Especially not English speaking


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