πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States @jbarone716

Account created on 6 July 2022, almost 2 years ago

Recent comments

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jbarone716

I for one would love to see some updates on this because there are no other options for Stripe payments on systems not running PHP8. We're also seeing issues with other functions of this module including declined cards not blocking webform submission and the inability to make the field required without trickery. It seems all the building blocks are there but it needs some attention and time from people who are far more adept than I.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jbarone716

Using 2.0.0-beta4 forms can still easily be submitted without verifying payment or even filling out the field at all. Even on webforms with a single element and the Stripe element the form can just be submitted and the Stripe error will appear below the input field, then the webform will submit anyways. Because there is no way to mark the field as "required", any submissions can simply bypass payment by hitting the submit button and waiting. Validation will appear for incorrect cards, etc, but will not stop submission. This combined with the creation of payment_intents every time someone opens the webform containing the Stripe element really makes it difficult to justify the use of this module. Is there any fix being looked at or have we been stagnant for years?

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jbarone716

Certainly! I created a simple test webform just to make sure that I could get things running:

  '#type': textfield
  '#title': stuff
  '#type': number
  '#title': price
  '#min': 0
  '#required': true
  '#type': email
  '#title': email
  '#type': computed_twig
  '#title': 'number that exists'
  '#template': '{{ 100.00 }}'
  '#whitespace': spaceless
  '#store': true
  '#type': value
  '#title': value
  '#value': '100.00'

The other configs are quite long but I can provide them if necessary; they should be stock webform configs because I've done nothing but create the webform with the fields above. The different field types are for testing different ways of passing a number in case that was affecting my use case. All fail with the same error and won't let me save the Stripe Payment element.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jbarone716

Hi, you are correct, we are running an older PHP version on that server. I must have missed that requirement, my bad! Appreciate your time looking it over. When/if we upgrade this server I'll definitely be exploring this module more.

πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈUnited States jbarone716

I also have this issue even when the Stripe field is not visible. If the webform is filled with valid data it submits and validates correctly but every load of the webform itself produces a $1.00 charge that fails because "requires_source" is null. While this does not block functionality it is a distinct headache for those who need to work with the Stripe console.

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