Account created on 2 July 2022, over 2 years ago

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And if my website is a simple website that doesn't have any forms besides a log in form and has only one user account (admin)? What main security updates could I miss if it's not for SQL injections?

I had to go to Advanced > Other > Use Ajax and there I set it. Thank you !

I had to go to Advanced > Other > Use Ajax but yes, this is it and it works fine, thank you.
I was expecting to find such a button when configuring the mini pager, however, please close this ticket.

Our dear Kristen, I work with Drupal since year 2010 as a website builder and generally get everything I need, and more, from Drupal, I never expected perfectness.

What would that place to be to get the support that we Drupal website builders often need? I think many will agree that the wider Drupal community is shrinking in manpower (in my passport country Drupal companies went down from about 25 to about 2.5) so in my humble opinion it is now more than ever required to actively encourage Drupal users to give and ask support in just one well supervised place without phenomena such as elitism and legalism (as common from my experience in "Drupal Answers" and often here in the forums).

For example, instead of all the following:

  • The core issue queue
  • The Drupal forums
  • The IRC or what's may left of it
  • The "Drupal Answers" Stack Exchange website
  • The Drupal Slack channel
  • The various Drupal Facebook groups
  • The Acquia services
  • Possible other communities

Just one main place, mentioned and linked inside the different parts of Drupal itself.

Kirsten Pol hello !

I work with Drupal continuously since version 6 and now working with version 10.

I am a scripter who knows a bit of Bash, JavaScript, HTML-CSS and various CLUI/GUI utilities, but when it comes to Drupal, I am nothing more than a website builder; I have absolutely no desire to theme in Twig for example and I don't like PHP as much as I like JavaScript.

My problem in recent years is not with Drupal as a program (and it is a wonderful program), but with the deterioration of the community; there is a toxic atmosphere that non Drupal programmers feel even if they don't know how to express well; this is felt here in the forums and in "Drupal Answers" as well (good luck getting your legitimate simple question not down voted and closed without any sensible reason there). Slack may not have that much of toxic atmosphere but support there for non programmers can be futile.

I agree that time and again we hear about "aims to make Drupal more accessible for site builders and marketers" but it just never really happened, sadly; the lack of inclusion of WordPress Elementor or an extremely similar tool contributed to that, but now, moreover, it is the mentality of some in the community and those above should do something to ensure that website builders would get the support they need and much more nicely, if they want to make Drupal more accessible, and shall I add, more marketed.
Some of my claims may be hard to prove because in "Drupal Answers" for example, the redundantly heavily down voted posts are automatically being deleted.

That was a CSS problem.

From checking the HTML source, it was evident that the "missing" content was there all along.

A certain wrong display: none; from a long time ago "deleted" the content from the output.

That was a CSS problem.

From checking the HTML source it was evident that the content was there all along.

A certain wrong display: none; from a long time ago "deleted" the content from the output.

It is indicated that this problem is not from Views module because I put the number 63 in the preview box of the taxonomy term view and instead getting just one node summary I got all ten node summaries.

The view SQL query is this:

SELECT "taxonomy_index"."sticky" AS "taxonomy_index_sticky", "taxonomy_index"."created" AS "taxonomy_index_created", "node_field_data"."nid" AS "nid", "node_field_data"."langcode" AS "node_field_data_langcode"
{node_field_data} "node_field_data"
LEFT JOIN {taxonomy_index} "taxonomy_index" ON node_field_data.nid = taxonomy_index.nid
WHERE ((taxonomy_index.tid = '63')) AND (("node_field_data"."langcode" IN ('he')) AND ("taxonomy_index"."status" = '1'))
ORDER BY "taxonomy_index_sticky" DESC, "taxonomy_index_created" DESC

I have thoroughly edited my last reply. Please go through it again if you already read it.

According to /admin/content?title=&type=All&status=1&langcode=All none of these posts is unpublished.

All posts are not in English.

With 22 I don't have the problem but I do have the problem with 64 so I put 64 and it appeared in the preview just fine.

If the preview is fine but the view page itself has the problem, then what may cause the problem?

In /admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview I don't have an ordinal list, rather when I mouse hover I get:

  • /taxonomy/term/22/edit?destination=/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview
  • /taxonomy/term/36/edit?destination=/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview
  • /taxonomy/term/87/edit?destination=/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview
  • /taxonomy/term/161/edit?destination=/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview
  • /taxonomy/term/24/edit?destination=/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/tags/overview
  • etc.

In /admin/structure/views/view/taxonomy_term it is evident that I have a mini pager with 10 results. If you didn't mean that then please clarify what you meant to, thanks a lot !

I have claimed here that some taxonomy term pages don't include old nodes but they will include new nodes, but now it seems to me that I was wrong and that even some new nodes from about the last month also don't appear in some of the taxonomy term pages associated with them --- this lowers the chance that the Node Revision Delete module has anything to do with this problem.

Any recommendation how to proceed?

Sorry to open this dormant post but I think that the action I did here caused all relevant nodes to appear as if they have certain taxonomy terms but the taxonomy term pages of these term to "ignore" these nodes:

Dear adriancid and other maintainers of this module, please check this thread and opine if you have any opinion to give about it:
Some taxonomy term pages don't include old nodes but they will include new nodes 💬 Some taxonomy term pages don't include old nodes but they will include new nodes Active .


I have tried this with the core alone by manually deleting all revisions except the last one of a node from a content type with revisions but I couldn't reproduce the problem --- all taxonomy term pages still linked to the node of that content type with only its last revision being preserved.

As I am not 100% sure that the original problem is associated with the Node Revision Delete module, I will try to refer its maintainers to this post, just to get their opinion.

Steps to reproduce are these:

  1. Install Drupal core 10.2.2 (regular installation, not minimal, not anything special)
  2. Create an article with revisions with one taxonomy term
  3. Add a second taxonomy term to that article
  4. Add a third taxonomy term to that article
  5. Confirm that three taxonomy term pages exist respective to the three taxonomy terms of the article and that each one of them links to the article
  6. Install the Node Revision Delete module in version 2.0.0-alpha2
  7. Delete all revisions of all nodes except the last revision of each node with the command drush node-revision-delete:queue
  8. Confirm that three taxonomy term pages exist respective to the three taxonomy terms of the article and that each one of them links to the article

If the three taxonomy term pages exist respective to the three taxonomy terms of the article but no longer link to the article, then that's the cause of the problem.

I believe that this problem is associated with deleting all revisions except the last one, as I did here 💬 How to bulk delete all revisions besides current revision for all nodes from all content types? Fixed .

I use the default taxonomy term view with no customization whatsoever. It's display setting is indeed a node teaser.

I use the default node display settings for all content types and further more --- one node of a certain content type is shown in the taxonomy term page but at least one other node from the same content type aren't.
I have repeated this finding with two other content types.

The only Twig file I have modified is themes\globalrs\templates\layout\page.html.twig and the changes there are minor such as adding an HTML-CSS structure and perhaps printing a Drupal region in it. Nothing more.

I no longer recall which nodes have been converted exactly and can't access any relevant logs as I have already removed the module several months ago just after converting the nodes but based on searches with the Drupal search engine I get the impression that no tag was deleted anywhere at all.

Neat approach, I have tried it with one node bundle (content type) and it worked.

After adding the block that contains the view, to my "Content Above" region, on top of the Page Title (heading) block, then the name of the node bundle appeared on top of the heading in a node of this node bundle.


Hello VM and others.

In this thread I am trying to ask how would you personally prefer to create such a View.

Which particular approach you yourself have taken already to do that and why it, in a few words.

Hello Klonos. Please try make more passages but shorter from short to long as much as possible for me. It's easier for me to read.

In my opinion, these Drupal 7 (not Backdrop) website owners should prepare backups and finally pay for some Drupal programmers (which I am not) to get the migration paths they need and upgrade to Drupal 10, or just move to Backdrop.

In my opinion, given basic Bash knowledge, the learning curve you describe for a Drupal 10 core install on Linux (no Docker, no Docksal/DDEV/Lando), is not a problem given a good book with the right practical introductios to Composer and YAML.
A good GitHub markdown document for setp by step installation instructions can also help, and most questions and answers in forums/Drupal Answers Stack Exchange/other places already exist.

I don't know if you ever worked with WordPress Elementor, but it's the best frontend-development-automation tool I have ever worked with for designing special webpages. It's the "Views" module of special webpage design.
Whomever get it first, Drupal community or Backdrop community --- it will be marvelous.

By Initial I mean to the natural rendering of the table as the particular web browser would render it (Firefox, Chrome, Edge etc.) without any CSS added to the table by Olivero.

I am not a PHP programmer, I program mostly in JavaScript and a tiny bit in Bash, so in all that has to do with Drupal I am just a site builder but I think it's important to understand that Drupal is no longer practically aimed for site builders, rather, mostly for big tech company teams that need a very broad, flexible and powerful web application development framework.

I actually like the direction Drupal is going in, but I just think WordPress-Elementor is needed in Drupal and even crucial to fit Drupal with the frontend-development-automation standards of todays website development market.

I am a freelancer with a small website of one man (myself) built with Drupal 10 and I recommend people to take the time to cinsider how they upgrade to Drupal 10.
I did start my website as a Drupal 9 website and then did a major upgrade to Drupal 10 but much of the content was taken from backups of a Drupal 7 website and a MediaWiki website.

If a tool like WordPress Elementor will come to the Drupal world it will most probably come to Drupal 10/11 and not to Backdrop so to anyone who must have such a tool for frontend-development-automation I recommend, stay with Drupal,

I have found a solution without a module:

I had to to remove all inline-CSS from the table, with the search and replace tool of my source code editor (Visual Studio Code).
After doing that, the table appeared regularly (similar to how all tables appear in Olivero).

It took a minute but saved me installing a module.
I agree that a module if needed if someone does this repeatedly, like every day.

I would greatly prefer to do it without a module if a can.

If it's simpler and leads to the same result we save time and energy, especially if we do this a lot.

Admin theme is Claro.

Even if I put English on top and switch the website's default language to English, the problem persists.

I don't have any steps to reproduce becuase someday after some Bash-Composer-Drush minor upgrade it just started.

Uninstalling Internal Page Cache module while keeping Internal Dynamic Page Cache installed didn't make any change for me.

Eventually I have found a solution that doesn't require removing any module:

In the view's advanced options I chose time based > 1min/1min

I am not sure I manage to understand you here because you know that I have compared these rendered HTML segments:

<div class="region region--content grid-full layout--pass--content-medium" id="content">
<div class="region region--phone-message">

Even if I edit the HTML in the DOM to add the same classes:

<div class="region region--content grid-full layout--pass--content-medium" id="content">
<div class="region region--phone-message grid-full layout--pass--content-medium">

then Phone-message still don't get a 100% width like the Content or Content Above regions so I miss what else I should do to make this new field cover all space up until the sidebar just like Content or Content Above regions do.

Hi John !

Two modules are currently enabled in my website:

  1. Internal Page Cache
  2. Internal Dynamic Page Cache

Do you mean that I should turn off the first and keep on the second?

I think that I have misdiagnosed the problem.

All I want is the new region to behave pretty much like how the Content or Content Above regions behave.

What is the correct way to do it?

I think that I have misdiagnosed the problem.

All I want is the new region to behave pretty much like how the Content or Content Above regions behave.

What is the correct way to do it?

grid-full CSS has these directives:

display: grid;
grid-template-rows: 1fr;
grid-template-columns: repeat(var(--grid-col-count), minmax(0, 1fr));
grid-column-gap: var(--grid-gap);

Anyway even if I add grid-full layout--pass--content-medium classes in DOM (in the dev tool) I still don't get the block to widen until the sidebar (i.e the block is still narrow).

Thanks a lot.

It seems to me to have solved the problem for Microsoft Edge but not for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome.
If I want a change in Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome after page reload (CTRL+Shift+R) then I need to flush all caches with Drush.

The HTML source and/or the DOM tree of the page is huge but here is some rendered HTML I believe to be relevant:

<div class="region region--content grid-full layout--pass--content-medium" id="content">
<div class="region region--phone-message">

CSS aggregation was off all along but anyway I have flushed all caches with Drush and the problem persists.

From my personal experience, this is just not true. For example, I host my own personal Drupal 10.2.4 website on shared hosting on Namecheap (

In my opinion, big international hosting companies like Namecheap, Godaddy, Bluehost, Siteground and Hostgator can't afford losing customers with Drupal websites and they will indeed adjust the shared hosting environment partition you hire for Drupal 10 and should always have SSH access for you.

Hello there ! 

I didn't quite manage to understand you.

It is true that Drupal 8 or greater require elementary knowledge in Composer, Drush, and YAML (and for themers also Twig) to work with, but I don't think it's a problem.

Drupal has became much more powerful and stable since that change in year 2015 and requires much less modules to work with and is much easier to upgrade.

The only thing I lack in Drupal today is WordPress-Elementor.

Any changes in this context are planned for Drupal 11? If so, it will save me the need of installing any module or removing breadcrumbs altogether.

I think that the cause of my problem is the fact that Drupal creates breadcrumbs based on alias directories such as these:

But I don't have any such "URL directories" and all of my URL aliases lack directories:

Therefore, I have three options:

  • Remove breadcrumbs altogether.
  • Use the aforementioned module.
  • Installing the Redirect module and start organizing my aliases in alias directories.

Any suggestions?

Yes I have already came across some of these discussions and found some that are very old (some comments from about 15 years ago) hence I asked here about Drupal 10 about which I didn't find any recent discussion.

In your opinion, isn't that a bit odd that for years people need a module to solve this problem with a core module? My conclusion from this is that perhaps many Drupal core maintainers think that breadcrumbs aren't that important SEOwise, and it may be the case in general with search engine developers, I am not sure myself.

Hello Jaypan

Did you find these in core\themes\olivero\templates\content\node.html.twig line 88 or somewhere else?

I have already created a sub-theme, what file should I put in the sub theme to break these links for good?

Eventually I have moved the place of the taxonomy tags block with JavaScript by creating a new JavaScript file with this code:

window.addEventListener('load', ()=>{
    return setTimeout( ()=>{
        // put tags block under SOME_BLOCK

        const element_1 = document.querySelector('#SOME_BLOCK');
        const element_2 = document.querySelector('.field--name-field-categories');
        element_1.insertAdjacentElement('afterend', element_2);

What's a global flag? 

Google search mostly bring results about flags of different states like UK and China :)

Is it something in Bash?


I went through all linked pages but didn't find anything about -d or debug mode and how to cancel it after it was started.

I didn't find these there. 

Also, the words flag/option/argument don't appear there.

Thanks a lot for all your guidance and help dear Adriancid.

May this be an inspiration to others !


I got that output but didn't find anything about these two flags there.

The words flag/option/argument don't appear in this output.

Adriancid I misunderstood the explanation.

Do you mean that after I click the button and put the number 1 💬 How to bulk delete all revisions besides current revision for all nodes from all content types? Fixed , then I should run commands as follows?

drush node-revision-delete:queue CONTENT_TYPE_1
drush node-revision-delete:queue CONTENT_TYPE_2
drush node-revision-delete:queue CONTENT_TYPE_3
drush node-revision-delete:queue CONTENT_TYPE_4
drush node-revision-delete:queue CONTENT_TYPE_5

Thanks a lot adriancid.

I think that I will keep old revisions existing for now and just wait until there is a CLUI command or a GUI button to just delete all revisions which are not the current revision, anywhere and everywhere.

Thanks Adriancid.

Do you have any suggestion for me what to do if all I want is just no revisions besides current revision for all nodes from all content types?

Hello Adriancid !

Please help me out here a bit more as I am not a PHP programmer and probably don't fully get what do you suggest me to try.

I have more than 600 nodes so I need some automation.
For example, I have a content type named dp_ltr, so I have tried this:

vendor/bin/drush node-revision-delete dp_ltr

But I got:

Command "node-revision-delete" is not defined.

Is it a good practice to do drush cache:rebuild before making a backup?

On my shared hosting environment of Namecheap and Cpanel I can either export a plain sql file of a particular database from PHPMyadmin or download a particular database sql.gz with a Cpanel tool named "Backup".

What do you mean what is the use case?

I want to have a node bundle that nodes of which can't be bigger than A4 in size.
Pretty much like editing an XML document in a rich text editor, but just in Drupal.

The use case is to just have a content piece edited and maintained in one place parsed and rendered inside the content body of various nodes.

It's like a MediaWiki template page TEMPLATE:NAME_OF_TEMPLATE that you can call to in any wikipedia article by {{NAME_OF_TEMPLATE}}.

I have edited to clarify that I didn't mean to a view in a region but inside the CKEditor 5 area itself, in between markup added with CKEditor 5, that's where I want to duplicate the original node.

I was not on the layout builder screen -- I was viewing a node which contains the layout builder block in one of its regions.

I think that a pencil menu link to layout should be there so we won't have to click "Edit" and only then, when we are inside the edit page, be able to click "Layout".
I think that we should be able to access the layout page from outside the block edit page.

It's just saving one step, instead of clicking "Edit" to go to to the block edit page and there click "Layout", we could prevent that step and click "Layout" directly from the block's pencil menu.


Translating from Hebrew to English, that's what I get now, from the block's pencil menu.

  • Configure block
  • Remove block
  • Edit
  • Translate block

The block pencil menu I desire to have is this:

  • Configure block
  • Remove block
  • Edit
  • Translate block
  • Configure block layout

I personally use Context to hide certain regions (such as the sidebar region) in certain content types (such as the homepage content type).

Another possible reasonable use, if I am not mistaken, is setting another theme for a specific user-role, so for example if you are the admin, you could use another theme, different than the default theme for generally all users, but I once had a case where I had set a theme which had an error and I had to sovle the error to come back to use the site regularly myself (all that time, the site kept working regularly for all other users) so one should be careful with setting a theme for a user-role with Context.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install Drupal 10.2.2 or later (in my case the language is Hebrew).
  2. Create a layout builder block.
  3. Add some content (heading, passage) to that layout builder block.
  4. Place the layout builder block in any region you choose.
  5. Mouse hover on that layout builder block in the respective region.
  6. Click the pencil icon for the shortcut admin actions on the top-left part of that layout builder block.
  7. You would find a link to "Edit" but you will not find a link to "Layout" .

First I think that Drupal 10 requires much less modules then Drupal 7 for example.

For my personal one-person Drupal 10 projects, just two modules are normally enough, Context and Webform .

Some people may need some XML sitemap module but I prefer manual scanning requests in Google Search Console over relying on a sitemap but if you have more than 100 webpages yeah in many cases a sitemap is nice and can help.

Some people may need some meta tags module but in many cases I think a good <H1> tag and a good opener passage and a good URL alias are enough. I think metatags are to some extent a thing of the past with all the artificial intelligence anlysis of webpages from search engines nowadays.

I personally don't think it should be difficult as long as you use a sub-theme.
The CSS of the subtheme should override any CSS, of core or of a theme.

Oh, what confused me is that I ran this command not from my website's directory and then I got this output:

Composer could not find a composer.json file in /home/USERNAME
To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file. See

But when I ran it from my website's directory I got this output:

latest   : 10.2.2

Funny, I will add a cd "${HOME}" before it !

Oh I didn't mean what is the latest one installed on my system but what is the latest one out there meaning on the packagist repository or alternatively here on DO.

Hi Ressa

I didn't miss it, I just didn't check it because I am not at all a graphic designer or a web designer and even if I try to lean towards that direction then I don't imagine myself working with any tool to do frontend automation besides Elementor, unless it will be a core Drupal tool.

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