Account created on 23 May 2022, about 2 years ago

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Hi @Drupalite1411,
Did you manage to resolve this? I have the same problem

The solution was actually the one indicated by @cilefen in post #6. I didn't really understand this, I found it strange that a change in the article's comment would correct this.
For me the solution was to just insert:

* "revision" = \Drupal\Core\Entity\Routing\RevisionHtmlRouteProvider::class,

in the file comment "docroot/modules/custom/tor_album/src/Entity/Album.php"

It looks like this:

* handlers = {
* route_provider = {
* "revision" = \Drupal\Core\Entity\Routing\RevisionHtmlRouteProvider::class,
* }
* }

The tor_entities custom module works together with the tor_event module, it is also attached. I'm still trying to understand what happened. Thanks a lot for your help

ok, what else changed so that this was working before in version 10.0 and not working in version 10.1 ?

ok, I am sending the zipped module in attachment (tor_event)

Hi @cilefen, I didn't understand well, you say to configure the routes in the .routing.yml file of the custom module? This module doesn't have a rem_core.routing.yml file, I'm trying to understand how it works.

Hi @cilefen
Yes, this custom module was created to display event contents, it was working with previous versions of drupal, even version 10.0.9. As of version 10.1.0, I get this error. Something has changed in this new version for the creation of the "View", "Edit", "Delete" and "Revision" tabs, which correspond to the ".links.task.yml" file. Need help.

File code "mymodule.links.task.yml"

route_name: entity.event.canonical
base_route: entity.event.canonical
title: 'View'

route_name: 'entity.event.edit_form'
base_route: entity.event.canonical
title: 'Edit'

route_name: entity.event.delete_form
base_route: entity.event.canonical
title: Delete
weight: 10

route_name: entity.event.revision_history
base_route: entity.event.canonical
title: 'Revisions'
weight: 20

I still have the compatibility problem, I can't install simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp dev-master because it requires the
symfony/psr-http-message-bridge ^2.3, however Drupal 10.1 requires symfony/psr-http-message-bridge ^2.1. Does anyone have a solution for this?

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