Account created on 18 May 2022, over 2 years ago

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Here's a patch from 8 years ago which fixes this issue and worked Happily on Drupal 10.3.6

An old conversation about the same issue...

The patch

Then within webforms, you can "conditionally" check if a field with a file is empty or not, (didn't test with the similar filled option).

If you are using DDEV with "docker desktop" on macos, go to settings>resources and set the cpu limit to the maximum. You might want to up some of the other resources too.

There is also a replacement for docker desktop called OrbStack, that "should" run it faster, although I haven't tried it yet.

Super helpful. thanks

To find the information (machine names) you'll need to create a forms instance programatically, within the Drupal Admin UI, load a 'form steps collection' .


Some comments to explain where to use the forms_steps machine names

$forms_steps_workflow = Workflow::create([
'instance_id' => \Drupal::service('uuid')->generate(),
'entity_type' => 'node',
'bundle' => 'drupal_entity_name', // Machine name of the entity attaching to the form steps instance
'entity_id' => $currently_loaded_entity->id(),
'form_mode' => 'another_type_of_step_reference', // Form mode, another machine name referencing the step
'forms_steps' => 'your_collection_id', // Collection ID (as used in route below), which is the machine name of these form steps.
'step' => 'your_step_machine_name', // Machine name of step

$instance_id = $forms_steps_workflow->instance_id->value;

// Redirect route = {forms_steps}.{collection_id}.{step_machine_name}
$redirect_url = Url::fromRoute('forms_steps.your_collection_id.' . 'your_step_machine_name', ['instance_id' => $instance_id])->toString();
$response = new RedirectResponse($redirect_url);

Thanks. I'll test against a live account when I have access and report back.
I wonder if you are able to skip the CCV check on one of your live sites?

That was quick. Thank you for the replies.

larowlan: Thanks for suggesting a fix might be needed in Views data export. That module brought to light the problem creating subdirs, but the fix needed to be in Drupal core.

cilefen: Druapl 9 at end of life: Thanks. I built a patch for my drupal 9 version and will share. I also checked Drupal 10, the issues is still there, I would like to suggest adding a fix to one line in the core which is:

web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/File/FileSystem.php in function prepareDestination

Instead of calling prepareDirectory with 1 parameter, it should have 2, just like it's used in many other places from within Drupal, like this:

$this->prepareDirectory($dirname, self::CREATE_DIRECTORY | self::MODIFY_PERMISSIONS)

or at least like this:

$this->prepareDirectory($dirname, self::CREATE_DIRECTORY)


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