🇦🇹Austria @simone.gritsch

Account created on 9 May 2022, over 2 years ago

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🇦🇹Austria simone.gritsch

Hi Jürgen,
we tried your suggestion today but are really unsure what we have to insert in the fields: Name of route parameter and: Name des Tokens.
Moreover we are not sure how the routine is validating which user is trying to access the data.

Would it be possible to contact you directly for support? Or is there a documentation where this kind of case is documented?

We really appreciate your support!!
All the best

🇦🇹Austria simone.gritsch

Hi Jürgen,
thanks for your quick response. I tried flushing the cache, but not really with a satisfying outcome.
My user-id was inserted in the id-field so my user should be able to open the request.
On the first click I got redirected.
On the second click I can open the request.
When I delete the cache on the first click I get redirected again altough I should be able to see it.

How would you build the ECA-model?
We used "view content entity" and "Compare field value" with expected field value [current-user:id].

Thank you!

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