🇨🇦Canada @Brownell

Toronto, Ontario
Account created on 14 April 2022, over 2 years ago

Recent comments

🇨🇦Canada Brownell Toronto, Ontario

This version of the patch is working well for me on version 3.0.0-alpha2 in Drupal 10.2.4.

🇨🇦Canada Brownell Toronto, Ontario

I can also confirm that I do not have this issue in version 2.0.3. Thank you!

🇨🇦Canada Brownell Toronto, Ontario

I'm actually having the same issue. When I search for a term that has been added in the Elevate Query field, the search results for that term are always empty. When the search term is removed from the Elevate Query field, the results return fine.

Some additional information:
- Drupal v9.5.9
- Solr v8.11.2
- PHP v8.1.14
- MariaDB v10.4.22
- Apache v2.4.53

I've added the Search API Best Bets field to each of my content types (one field used in multiple content types, not seperate fields). I've configured the field so that it's allowed an unlimited number of values, or just one; no difference.

I've configured the Solr index to have the Search API Best Bets setting enabled, and in the setting tab at the bottom, I've selected the field (the one field used in multiple content types) to be used. I've selected the Solr query handler. I've tried both of the Elevated Flag options; no difference. On the Preprocess Query and Postprocess Query Processor Order lists I've tried having Search API Best Bets at the top and the bottom; no difference.

I also have the Double Quote Workaround, HTML filter, and Ignore characters prosessors enabled. Though I've disabled them and there's no difference; the issue presists.

After trying each of these options I've rebuilt the index. Nothing seams to make any difference. Is there anything else you can recommend that I try?

🇨🇦Canada Brownell Toronto, Ontario

Brownell created an issue.

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