Account created on 21 February 2022, about 3 years ago

Recent comments

I suppose if drupal core has a good reason to add an empty array, boostrap should adapt to the case. So ok for this patch

Yes, Patch Issues-3409370-PHP-error-when-form-has-entity-reference.patch
solve the problem but for me is a core problem not bootstrap theme problem :
function template_preprocess_field_multiple_value_form add a empty array, why ?

L'erreur est sur le fichier dsfr-fr.po disponible dans le module et non sur le fichier drupalxxx.po

2 librairies 'skiplink' avec le mΓͺme nom dans dsfr.libraries.yml

The problem came from a contrib ldap module which overrides the 'Requirements' parameter of user.pass.http.
It would still be useful to check the 'explode()' method for nulls. THANKS

explode('|', $route->getRequirement('_format')) with null when $route_name is 'user.pass.http' :
public function onRoutingAlterAddFormats(RouteBuildEvent $event) {
$route_names = [
$routes = $event->getRouteCollection();
foreach ($route_names as $route_name) {
if ($route = $routes->get($route_name)) {
$formats = explode('|', $route->getRequirement('_format'));
$formats = array_unique(array_merge($formats, $this->serializerFormats));
$route->setRequirement('_format', implode('|', $formats));

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